Thank you for the review! This was more of a 10 hour jam for me than a 72, my time this weekend was shorts saddly, and the quantity of levels paid the price. I wanted there to be a bigger final level that used all the mechanics in all the ways showed through out the game...
I do agreed there should be more levels where there is less hand holding, just giving the answer away can sometimes feel less fullfiling. The helping texts were there to make sure the person playing would be able to get through the game to the end, and to better understand what was happening on screen(for example i dont think the fact the armor on the chicken heats up on a slope is very clear visually)
Slopes were also a bit harder to implement than i expected. I encountered that bug of the chicken suddenly stopping on a slope or not detecting the slope sometimes, tho i aint sure why that happens, must be an issue with the flags and the way i used the raycasts xb