Lots of potential here if you can fix the bugs. Great variety, and ambitious to try and get all this together into a single game. Like everyone I had the AI do nothing - until I picked up the gun, then 50% of guards started working and shooting me. The puizzle with lights I didn't know was a puzzle - there was no reason to believe the objects could be interacted until I randomly happened to walk into one. But then solving the puzzle had no effect. Bug, or just a puzzle that has no obvious solution? But needs a bit more affordance to say which things are interactable (toilet was not ,but random furniture was).
Also took me ages to get past the opening text because I hit many other things before randomly pressing 'space'. Make it work for any key, or mouse too.
And put the instructions on the webpage - they flicked up briefly and were gone, so I had to find controls by trial and error.