Some other suggested cheats:
- Player Super Digestion: Player will digest the prey faster than normal.
- Tall Player: Player becomes the same size as an Apex Predator, granting the player to eat multiple students, excluding Tulpy. However, Hunger will decrease faster and (Excluding Nightmare Mode) reaching 0% hunger for too long will cause a game over.
- Voracious Player: Player will always devour the prey regardless of hunger percentage. This also makes the player eat more than 1 apple. Works well with Tall Player.
- Invisible Player: Player will not be detected by the Apex Predator.
- Fast Player: Player will get a boost of speed, including running speed and crouching speed.
- Full Class: The number of students is multiplied by 3x
- Starving Apex: Apex Predator will always be hungry, similar to Nightmare Mode.
- All locked doors: All doors will be locked. Same system to Nightmare Mode but will apply to Normal Mode.
- Safe Mode: Apex Predators won’t be spawned.
- No Permanent Digestion: All prey who were digested will respawn in their starting point. This includes the player. Works as a “Practice” mode.
- Super Key Helper: The game will always show the player the next key. Works for both Normal and Nightmare Modes.
- Steel Gut: Any prey eaten by the player will never escape.
- Apple Tree: Apples are far more common, replacing crumbled papers.
- Always Easter Egg: Makes the Easter Egg occurs outside of Two Random Nightmare.