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A member registered May 13, 2024 · View creator page →

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That would be a fun reward after beating all predators and Two Pred modes: A sandbox mode with no timer, having commands to modify the values in game (This includes spawning more students), player becoming spectator (Ex: Player being invisible just to watch all 4 preds going nuts eating everyone, or hell, a free for all. 😈), and most importantly, being in the shoes of an Apex Predator.

And speaking of that, wonder if all of the weight would slow her down the more she digests? That would probably be a good balance as well.

Just in general, nothing special haha.

Yeah, I forgot to mention that lmao-

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Similar to what Rise (Best girl) mentioned, you only described Student Predators, where you play as a miniature version of the Apex Predators you unlocked. The OP specifically mentioned Apex Predators, where it’s the giant predator that chases you down (Or Tulpy who flies higher than normal).

Student Predators IS NOT Apex Predators, since Student Predators can still be eaten, and Apex can’t be eaten (Under specific conditions).

I bet playing as a giant apex predator eating other students would’ve been a REALLY fun experience to play. 🥴❤

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Should the guide be in the actual game for transparency? Like a mini-tutorial or some sort?

With the exception of the in-game tooltip via the pause menu.

after swallowing the player, the player immediately dies

This bug still persists? I’ve heard someone pointed that out a month ago.

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… Is it intentional that the (hungry) predator just basically RUNS up to your location even if you’re sneaking around or just walking normally? Like in the entire run, I never run at all, except from the start of the 30 second cooldown.

Because I noticed that it happened when I was directly above or below a floor from the predator, which ruin a couple of my nightmare runs. (Or just when the predator was like nearby lmao)

Thankfully it’s an uncommon occurrence, but just to point it out.

Satie was always an unlockable character ever since the initial release of the full game, hence why it wasn’t in any of the patch notes.

No, you’ll only pay once, and you still have access to the game.

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Start Double Predators Nightmare Mode after beating Tulpy’s Nightmare Mode, and it has a random chance of encountering an easter egg during the start of the game. Be sure to look around if you noticed something unusual, and if not, restart and try again.

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Can confirm: I encountered this issue. I assume since Tulpy is missing an item slot, her slot is always Slot 1, which is the item you always carry keys with you.

To make a reference: Slot 1 is mainly Keys, your Right hand. Slot 2 is mainly other items like Apples or Papers, your left hand. And Slot 3 is reserved for Predators where you select it to either devour students or rub your belly.

Since Tulpy can only have 1 item slot (Right Hand), Tulpy can carry many different item types one at a time. Thus, the game ONLY detects whether if the player has a book on the Left Hand, which is non-existent for Tulpy’s case.

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Aside from Tulpy being a new unlockable and some nerfs/changes, I can assume it’s just some bug fixes. (Or with the new addition of a playable character, the game description was updated to reflect the new changes.)

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Well, the requirement for unlocking Tulpy is a bit complicated, but I think I understand the unlock requirement:

  • Completing all main 4 Predators without collecting the book will not unlock Tulpy. (Tested it with my 100% save and my fresh save)
  • Collecting Bella’s, Satie, and Ligeska’s books without collecting Tulpy’s books will not unlock Tulpy.
  • However, after completing all main 4 Predator, escaping the book in hand for Tulpy will unlock her.

If you haven’t completed all predators, including Ligeska, then the requirement of unlocking Tulpy won’t be met, even if you already completed Tulpy with the book in hand. If you already collected Tulpy’s book, and already win at least one time in all 4 predators, Tulpy will be unlocked.

(Also, I won’t be surprised if this gets deleted lmao)

I think you have to clear everything (Nightmare Mode not included) And similar to Bella, you’ll have to escape her with the book in hand.

Here are all of the working emotes from looking back at the old devlog posts:

/think OR /ponder

On my “No Items” Playthrough, me and the Jester was at the last weight stage (Because the jester mentioned me ‘cheating’ after I won so I wanted to see if I can beat it with no items to see if there’s any unique dialogue), and the Jester pulled a Joker card at the last round, which lands at both of us gaining weight.

It wasn’t intentional on my behalf, but at least it worked. 😆

I wish there are more lines of what the princess reacts to if you win the game, because no matter the size of the player, the Princess was like “Ew, too skinny”, at the player’s last size before immobile. 😆

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Playthrough specific guide, based on my several hours of playing this game

  • The Predator (or predators in cases of double predator mode) will ALWAYS spawn in the cafeteria, and they’ll decide to either head straight into the 104/105 classrooms, 101 classroom or the Nurse’s office area.
  • The Predator has around 30 second cooldown before moving, so you’ll have all the time to run in places at the start of the game.
  • Check open areas that aren’t locked. Good example is that while in the very start of the game, check the 2F bathroom or the 1F bathroom first for keys, if there’s no open doors on the first floor. Mainly useful for Nightmare Mode, but it can work for Normal Mode as well.
  • If there’s no key in the 2F bathroom, go straight into the 1F bathroom.
  • After looking in the 1F bathroom for items, either go straight to the Storage room, Security room if it’s open, or the auditorium for keys (Make sure to look EVERYWHERE on the auditorium).
  • Check for lockers or water fountains, or areas where you spotted an item where you normally don’t see. There are also keys lying around the floors (Especially since the keys can sometimes blend in with the purple stairs too lmao).
  • If you know that the pred is far away from you in another floor (Ex: Pred is in the Cafeteria while you’re on the 2nd floor), you’re free to run, provided if the predator isn’t too hungry.
  • If the predator is too hungry, it’s risky to run, because the predator will dash to the nearest loudest sound creates.
  • In a case of the above tip (And especially for Nightmare Mode), always drop your keys immediately upon use, away from the room that you’re entering to distract the predator.
  • If you hear the predator’s footstep (Or wings for Tulpy), crouch and sneak, or hide to the nearest room. Sometimes the predator will walk back to the same area you’re in, so make sure to wait just a little longer until it’s safe to come out of hiding.
  • The rooms that aren’t locked are all of the bathrooms (2F, 1F, B1), Storage, Auditorium, and Cafeteria. Make sure to go there if you have the chance.
  • Completely optional, especially for ones without any items in hand (And at least 1 or 2 bell dings), but you can immediately restart the game if you’ve been spotted by the predator and there’s absolutely no way to escape.
  • In a case of Bella and having an apple on your hand, make sure to drop the key before she spots and chases you, since the game is hardcoded to prevent you from dropping any items if you’re already being chased by a predator AND will eat both of your held items. Bella is the only predator that favors apples instead of you, giving you a small window of time to escape, despite taking both of your held items.
  • Following from the above tip, predators that’s not Bella will still eat you regardless of if you’re holding any apples or not. In case of that happening, make sure you have at least a Green Apple that increases the chance of escape… If you gamble to win the lottery ticket. 😆
  • Hiding behind the Cafeteria table is overpowered, to the point that with good positioning, you won’t be seen by the predator at all.
  • If you’re doing Nightmare Mode, you should know that all keys are the same color (white). You’ll have to drop your keys next to the door to avoid mixing up keys that are already opened.
  • During Nightmare Mode, aside from the mentioned 32 second cooldown, the predator will become hungry at the start of the game and will chase to the nearest loudest sound possible. Sometimes, but rarely, will chase after you even if you’re not running, so make sure your hiding spot is almost foolproof, like the Library or the Cafeteria.
  • Following from the above tip, hiding in one of the opened classrooms (Especially in the 1F classrooms) is a good suggestion as well. Just make sure to keep an eye on where you’ve last seen the predator, like if they’re going to the cafeteria or going to the 2nd floor.
  • If you really want to know the predator’s location, you can simply drop the key nearby so that the predator (if hungry) will dash to the location you created the sound. However, It’s strongly advised to keep track of where the predator is heading towards, otherwise, you’ll have moments where you’ll encounter the predator a floor above, below, or unexpectedly. A good example is that if the predator’s footsteps (Or wings for Tulpy) is heading towards you, and there are no signs of the predator, they’re either a floor above or below you.
  • On Nightmare Mode, it’s not advised to play as any of the predators you’ve unlocked, unless if you’ve got lucky to get an apple to stay hungry. With a very scarce apple placement and only 2 students spawned, it’s hard to keep yourself full. Plus, even if you do devour, the player’s stomach can cause a lot of noise, especially belching or releasing your prey, which isn’t ideal if the Apex Predator is too hungry to the point that they will chase after your previously created sound (And it’s also not ideal for hiding with a full stomach).
  • As mentioned in the devlog’s guide, you can trick the Apex Predator to devour the other students, if you properly position yourself behind the other student. If you did it correctly, the predator will devour said student you tricked instead of you. If not, there are moments where even if you’re behind the student, you’ll still be eaten regardless. This tip is not very ideal when it comes to Nightmare Mode, with even the mere sight of the Apex Predator will made them run away (If the apex is chasing them that is). It’s a bit difficult to position yourself when the student is always moving, so I tend not to use this technique.
  • Sometimes the key RNG will grant you the exit early (And also the book if you haven’t collected it) if you’re lucky, and if you’re unfortunate enough, you’ll have to go through (Almost) ALL of the keys to unlock (Almost) ALL of the doors to get the exit key… 🙃
  • If you can’t keep track of what keys you’ve found (Especially on Nightmare Mode), you should open up a program either Notepad or similar to keep notes to remember in the future.
  • You’ll have 24 minutes to escape (Which is 8 minutes per dings, and the max dings is 3). In the June build, it was previously 4 dings, which is 32 minutes.

More information should be in the devlog’s guide Will be editing here more if I have more tips to share.

The book will always spawn regardless of the times you’ve beaten an individual predator. If you haven’t seen it (And if you haven’t collected the book), then that means it was hidden inside one of the classrooms, which can only spawn there.

Otherwise, if you’ve already collected the book by escaping with it, the book can’t spawn again.

Student Predators option will have a random chance for the predator you escaped and win to spawn as a student that’s the size of the player. If you’re also playing as a predator (Ex: Bella or Satie), you can also devour student predators as well, but they can do the same to you if they’re hungry.

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Playing as Tulpy would probably be interesting. If I may have to make a huge guess (considering that she’s a fairy), she’s probably the only Student Predator to only have one item to carry due to her small body and is one of the noisiest so far. Even when idle, her wings will constantly attract noise as if you’re always walking (And it’s prominent if you’re facing against Tulpy, or Tulpy as a Student Predator NPC). (Edit: This was written BEFORE the recent update LMAO)

But honestly, I too would love to play as a fairy to see how hard it is to manage her noisiness.

I feel the same during my bandit playthrough, and I thought raising my dexterity stat would also increase the strength of my katars. Unfortunately, that’s not the case compared to two other classes where raising one stat that represents their greatest strength would increase the weapon’s stat as well. For Bandits, It comes to the point that I have to upgrade 2 stats per level, instead of my other playthrough where I spend 3 points on one stat for a couple of levels.

I won’t lie, playing as Bandit has to be my favorite class, second being Fighter. I think what’s underwhelming is that there’s not that many strong katars aside from one that’s dropped from the Medium difficulty Dungeon boss. I also felt the same when playing as Mythic since it’s hard for me to collect better weapons that’s not the Diva Staff.

It’s no wonder why I feel like during my normal gameplay (Without restarting every time I was spotted by an Apex Predator), the escape chances hardly even changes anything.

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“do you think it would work better with the camera where we can see around the pred like when you get eaten?”

I also propose an idea for a third person perspective camera as well. Besides, we couldn’t even see what we even look like, only our arms lmao. But in this idea I proposed, It should definitely be recommended.

“trying to stop their struggle or when they almost get out with some chance you can swallow back down the prey, like the struggle button.”

I think it functions the same as if you’re a Student Predator to keep it simple.

Besides, the Target has frequent chances of upsetting the Apex Predator’s stomach, which means that if theoretically in a normal playthrough, there will be like around 8 - 15 Escape Attempt if you swallowed the Target (Empty stomach calculation only).

If it were the case for the above mechanic, then there has to be a quick time event that you’ll have to press a series of buttons every time the escape attempt pops up. It gets harder the sooner you’ll get to the point of digesting your target.

“After 3 times the target will find the key for the exit so we only have one shot to grab them”

Yeah, the bell system should be the same to keep it consistent. You’ll have about 24 minutes to either escape as a prey, or catch your target as the pred.

It would be very interesting to play as an Apex Predator, probably after rewarding for beating Nightmare Mode on each respective predators.

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Not the person you asked for, but there are two ideas where this can work:

[Devour Them All]: Devour all 30 students (40 students for Nightmare Mode) before they all escape with the same time system. AI’s will actively run away from the player when in sight and hide places where the player must look through. The twist is that the player’s hunger is always low percent (Ex: Max cap is 15%), and running now decreases hunger. After digestion, the player will get a brief boost of speed to catch up with the running students. This is akin to Nightmare Mode.

There are also traps lying around areas that stuns the Apex Player and also some students may carry apples (Ex: Green or Crazy Apple) that can make the situation even worse if the player eats them.

[Hunt Mode]: Same as Devour Them All, except you’ll have to find one student (Which is the target you must eliminate) to devour and win the game. This is similar to the regular game where you play as a prey and the predator only hunts you but mirrored that you’ll have to find them in a crowded university (30 students). The “target” will always try to hide and unlock doors on their own. The only difference is that the Apex Player will always be able to devour, and the “Target” prey will only struggle (And having very high chance of escape).

How the player will detect if the prey is their target is looking at something suspicious about them (Ex: Carrying items, different walking speeds, crouching, hiding in obscure places, etc). Also, student predators can’t be the target, and they can’t devour the target either.

I already saw that comment. Just like what the developer said, this idea you proposed is only applied to very specific NPC’s (And unfortunately, it only applies to Bella since she’s the only one that favors apples than anyone else), and adding more predators that favors apples wouldn’t change anything. In fact, it just makes Bella less unique than the other predators. If I were the developer of the game, I would say the exact same thing as well.

Plus, it’s locked behind enabling the Student Predator option, since without it, you can’t even hide in any other NPC’s belly (And the majority of NPC’s are students that cannot devour without the Student Predator option).

And even if it were the case of hiding one’s belly, digestion will still take place (Or the predator simply doesn’t let you out), making it feel like you’re willingly getting yourself digested more than hiding from an Apex Predator. There’s no non-digestion for the sake of hiding one’s stomach, unless specified by the developer themselves.

The only time where Apples are useful is if you were eaten with an apple in hand (Or in a case of Bella, giving you a chance of escape by taking the apple on your hand instead), and using apples to hide in someone else means you’re having less chances of escaping the Apex Predator.

I’ve been wanting to say something now that this game caught my attention: Are there any plans for other means to hide from the predator?

Like a good example is hiding in the lockers (But will cause noise) or under the desk in the respective classrooms. Mainly the former, because going into the T section of the first floor is dangerous in case of the predator surprise attacking from a distance or next to me.

Another suggestion is to throw objects instead of dropping near you. What if you want to toss the paper or the key (The loudest object) to the other side of the room to lure the predator away from your hiding spot? If it were implemented, holding the drop button will increase the throwing power (And will apply to any objects).

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I played the Pre-July build when it was brought to my attention before, and the skirt wasn’t really that bad from the previous build. Even if it was a “glitchy mess”, that doesn’t even ruin my playing experience (And not going to lie, I rather prefer the “glitchy mess” than a very awkward skirt model.)

To add, it’s incredibly difficult to look under the skirt to see the “glitchy mess”, unless if angled. But in regular gameplay, people can just ignore it lmao.

Unless if there are other alternative to finally be able to see what’s underneath, I respect your wishes.