I'm Hodge. I've spent the last 20 years trying to finish making a game. It's a crazy trip that has lead to many prototypes and a career in technology that somehow landed me as a game design teacher in a public high-school program. Along the way I've done studio camera work and video editing, 3d animation and motions graphics for freelance clients and internal company projects (as a result of my AS in Digital Animation for Games). At one point I was even the director of web development for a local add agency. There are many more stops along the way than that, but I'll try to shorten this up by saying that since landing in a full time teacher position I have finished my BS in Software Development, and I am currently nearing the end of my MS in Applied Computer Science; which is actually what caused me to have interest in DragonRuby. I'm determining a final program to create for my last project class and I want to make something useful for students in the course I teach. I have lots of ideas and I'm currently looking into whether or not DragonRuby is a good fit... Oh ya, and I'm still trying to finish my own game project(s).
I'm not currently active on the Internet. It's not a statement or anything, it's that the last few years of schooling have made me realize how bad of a coder I used to be. I just closed down most of my accounts, my website, and almost everything that would connect me to my old work, until such a time that I've built a project(s) that I'm proud to show off; though, I'm occasionally still active on platforms such as this. I'll update this section when I decide to relaunch my "internet self".
Dev Setup:
- MacBook Pro 2018 (Parallels for Microsoft Dev and Linux in a VM for most of my web related projects)
- Monitors: Ultra wide with a 16:9 on top and the laptop screen to the side + iPad mini 5 with Pencil and using sidecar to do artwork.
- Keyboard: I don't know but it sure does have pretty lights that I stare at it for too long.
- Editor: VS, VS Code, Eclipse - depends on the project, what class I'm in, and what the instructor recommends.
Top 10 Games of All Time (not necessarily in this order):
- NES: Felix the Cat
- GB: CatTrap
- PC: Half Life
- PC: Far Cry 5
- N3DS: Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars
- Pretty much any first party 3DS title (3DS is my favorite console, I'm a sucker for the stereoscopic gimmick)
- Lots of other's I'm sure, but these are the ones I go back to.
Languages I Know (In Random Order):
- HTML, CSS, javascript, MySQL (you know, all the common web stuff)
- Ruby - I'm very new, but my current college course is dousing me in this and Rails. I'm kind of loving it.
- C, Java
- C# for business applications and of course Unity game creation (my current game that is closest to releasable is built in Unity)
- Probably other stuff that I'm not recalling.