Though there isn't a lot of it to look at, the art is gorgeous! It definitely conveys the vibe of the story where the prose fails, and I like how well thought out the colors feel.
But as alluded to, the writing is just really rough. There are plenty of editing problems – typos and punctuation & capitalization issues are present in nearly every text box. Many lines feel kind of clunky to read, as sentences are strung together unnaturally and the usage of pronouns is too repetitive in the beginning ("He may never know. A few times already, he has wanted to just kill himself, but he is aware that he has to live with the shame of his existence into all future lives. This is his single chance at redemption.") Also, putting in an abrupt, quite lengthy, and fully non-diegetic (?) exposition dump to communicate the worldbuilding is not the most elegant storytelling decision.
Doesn't feel worth it to give the game an in-depth review at this state, but I do hope the story gets concluded and what's there gets polished to the point of feeling presentable. It's a pretty bumpy ride, but in an entirely fixable manner.