Excellent work! Really enjoyed the game and love love love the dynamic music! Obviously jam time constraints limit polish but I think having the music be persistent would have felt really good, literally just keeping the groove going, esp when just restarting a level (and probably doing a minimal version on the menu screen).
I did have the screen flash on but I'm partially colorblind so barely noticed it. What I think the flash misses is that it only indicates the state and while audio is obviously the start of the show, having a visual indicated of the pending switch could have been really nice. Some armchair design, maybe wheel spinning at tempo with a needle to really reinforce the timing.
Skimming the other comments, I also struggled with the controls. Even with the sensitivity way down, it was super easy to fling myself across the map, and WASD was definitely too slow. Click to move worked the best on my setup. I think limiting the movement speed would have unified them; to me the modes almost could have been different games since they had such different characteristics.
The last suggestion would be to have the win state stand out from the loose state. On one hand I like that failing doesn't rub it in your face, but it would be nice if winning had a bit more celebratory feeling to it.
It's probably taken me at least 15 min to write all this and I've been groovin' to it in the backround.