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Research & Development

There are nice references of environments with proppings. Lighting, color and elements vary a bit. Pushing the research of real-world locations a bit further could  be beneficial in the future, as well as adding more detailed shots of things such as props and materials you want to make for your scene.

Creative Art

The scene feels ominous and dangerous with dominant red lights. Props work well with the location. The scene could be pushed to the next level with researching face-weighted normals, and using maybe more roundedness to the tunnel walls. Material work could also maybe be worth to put more time to, as well as looking into tiling textures and vertex blending to achieve better texel density. Props could also benefit from thoughtful irregularities achieved by adding more geometry to objects.

Technical Art

Materials are done in instanced fashion which is good. Lighting is done with spotlights and the scene showcases use of decals. There's also an unbound post process with also the breakdown about experimenting with it with lighting shows good knowledge about what polish work needs.

Some things, such as cables and ground are abit on the high end on polycounts, but mostly the scene is a bit low on polycount to today's standard.


Text is easy-to-read and showcases good progress throughout the development.

Final Presentation

Post process and lighting show the scene well. Screenshots are of high quality.