Thankyou for spending the time to write up all this feedback! It must have taken so long to not only write but also organize your thoughts :3 I appreciate it! I totally understand where you are coming from and I feel similarly about a lot of your points.
I agree that the game is a bit short, originally when I made it it was intended to be a part of a game jam.... but I took too long and missed the deadline LOL. So that's why it feels a bit abrupt, I agree that it would have been better if I had more padding in there. I intentionally wrote it leaving out a lot of background information (like info abt the naha and aliens), I think for some people this was frustrating as a lot of people like the deep dive into world building. I didn't want to dive too deeply into those points because I was worried it would take away from the point of the game itself when the game was already going to be short, unless I wanted to take year to making it I needed to be really choosey on what I showed. I also liked the shadowy nature of these things, that although there is a lot MC understands, there is far more mechanisms out there that is beyond their knowledge or understanding, just like Ray himself in a way.
The reason that the MC acts more civilian is an implication that although MC was a villain a lot of their life was under Double's wing, he protected MC from a lot of the 'real' bloodshed (aside from his own violence that becomes more out of control), something he himself is frustrated by.
MC does not have kids, when the protection of their family was mentioned it was parents/siblings. I probably should have specified that more I didnt even realize it could be interpreted that way with kids but feels like such a duh moment now! And yes Double would absolutellllly use it against MC.
Your feedback on writing is definitely noted and some of these things I have noticed abt my writing since making this game :) hopefully my next game will be better in that regard 💕
Thankyou again for the feedback!