There's no such thing as the... what was it called again?
Jokes aside, I love the premise of antimemes and I'm glad to see them here. Breaking into a laboratory run by CYCLOPS and dedicated to studying antimemes is a recipe for player shenanigans and misadventures, in other words a good time. There's decent selection of NPCs to cause trouble for the players; the CYCLOPS hunter and Silent One I feel are good inclusions. The former can cause some interesting encounters with the local wildlife, while the former could be anything from a minor nuisance to a campaign spanning antagonist depending on the GM choices and Player reactions.
The layout is clear and easily readable, however there is a lot of blank space which does leave the document feeling a little empty. I also noticed what seemed to be links within the document, that were supposed to point to NPCs and Items, that didn't work for me. Still, despite these issues, this is looks like one adventure players won't forget, even with the all the Antimemes.