Hi Alexej, I'm super excited to try out the NeuroSDK, but I'm afraid I will need some more information on how to simulate Neuro using Randy - what exactly is Randy and where can I find it? Do I get a Websocket port that I can provide as NEURO_SDK_WS_URL?
Also, I noticed that in the Godot Tic-Tac-Toe example, the preload paths seem to be slightly off, since they point to the addon directory:
extends NeuroAction const TicTacToe := preload("res://addons/neuro-sdk/examples/tic_tac_toe.gd") var _ticTacToe: TicTacTo
extends Node const PlayOAction := preload("res://addons/neuro-sdk/examples/play_o_action.gd") @export var resetButton: BaseButton @export var container: GridContainer