Yes, it's just a gallery for H-scenes. But it doesn't require you to have played the H-scenes, so people who are looking for that kind of content can enjoy that if they're not interested in the story. It will also feature H-scenes that we dream up and make that are NOT in the main game.
And I understand your concern... for someone whose brain functions normally. I unfortunately have severe unmedicated ADHD. My version demands that I cycle my interests. So before all this, when I got stuck on WCA, I had to cycle to something else for a while, like music, or my book series, or writing for my tabletop campaign. But recently, with the Senia DLC and the Fantasies Collection, I've been able to cycle WITHIN WCA projects, which has just about tripled my productivity. We're not even a week out from having released this last Side Story patch to the public, and we're already close to halfway done with the next Main Story episode patch. That has NEVER happened before.
So while I understand your concern if you were dealing with someone who was neurotypical, it's had sort of the opposite effect. I've gotten more done in the past couple of weeks during this cycle than I have in the past in a 3 month period. I burn out when I lose my momentum. Being able to cycle through WCA tasks and get that dopamine rush of making progress and finishing things has helped me conserve that momentum, which I have channeled into S2E4's progress. If this keeps up, you might see a new Main Story drop within a month.