ahh this is good to know then, thank you! I like using easyrpg with it because of the button mapping feature, but looks like some features are still needing to be worked on
I also like using easyrpg it helped me get to chapter 4 faster(sorry for not playing it traditionally i just wanted to know what you been up to in chapter 4)I have a feeling that the upgrade system may also be easy rpg hold on i am going to play it without it to see if it is easy rpg.
I just check it without easy rpg and no easy rpg is not affecting the upgrade system because i still cant get all of rank 1 skills even though i have 1800 spirit points i should of gotten all 3 of rank 1 skills.
There should be an instruction book that says how the upgrade system works like the red book in the beginning that tells you how medicine and adrenaline works because i just assumed that you could of obtained all of them at once.