Ut's worth stating that you plagerized the player sprite. the OP is a reddit poster. https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/1c83wtq/attack/
the op is called 'BirdiBirdson'
Ut's worth stating that you plagerized the player sprite. the OP is a reddit poster. https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/1c83wtq/attack/
the op is called 'BirdiBirdson'
Then just check my earlier posting of this character :)
Your game jam Novermber 1st 2023
My postings September 25th 2023
Earlier iteration January 2023
Well now I look like a fool... I honestly thought our art was original until I saw this comment on itch today, which linked to your reddit post dating a few months after our game was published. Since we had everything open sourced, I assumed that the art had been copied in other areas - but clearly it seems the other way around... :(
I'll work with the artist to change it