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Research & Development

Research showcases a lot of overall scene research in terms of lighting and feel. I'd like a bit more closer references as well, your objects might also benefit from getting some real world details to the as well for example material wise.

Pie chart color wheel works very well, I could adapt similar to my work.

Creative Art

The scene looks like an interesting futuristic office space on its own. Shapes and elements look interesting. Dang, do I like the shapes in there a lot, with mix of lamp's round shapes, rough rock wall, and flat surfaces. Canvases are also something I make a connection to modern spaces. Use of color and its ratios are mature and interesting.

The space a bit dim. Who has a place like this? Is it a company's office space? Is the owner some rich billionaire?

The shapes also, while being interesting, feel a bit off scale which might be due to them either not being done to what is commonly viewed as the object dimensions in real world, or just the  fact that there's not so much  ordinary/common stuff to compare it to.

The ceiling color is a bit maybe too eye catching with hot red wood to it; I'd suggest desaturating and darkening it to give the space a bit more of a relaxing feeling. Rock and concrete elements look intriguing, floor decision seems slightly odd (or the material on it does, maybe polished marble surface would do better), and the stairs could benefit from maybe a different material to it. Couch works well shape and color wise, but the material seems slightly beaten/something that would introduce dust into the air of the space and as such isn't exactly catering to the futuristic office feeling.

Modules could use edge decals to give breakage to the edges as well as some irregularities with polygonal usage to mimic the real world materials such as the plaster and concrete.

Technical Art

There are wasted polygons on chairs, railings on the bottom of chair are on high on polycount, cushion could use more polies to add more roundedness and reduce the 3d feeling. Materials use material instances (it would be nice if you showcase this also in the prefix of suffix, I use "MI_" for instances for example). Fuzzy shader is a nice addition to the carpet, but is a bit hard to read in editor. Lighting could use some optimization (I'm looking at you, dozen pointlights in the ceiling!)


Documentation is well written and colorful. Words are well written; I'd like to get the fonts maybe a tad bigger for easier reading. Texts could maybe also do with shorter chapters.

Final Presentation

Images showcase the scene well. The video was a pleasure to look at.

Thanks a lot for your feedback!