It's a good and simple RNG game, although the odds of getting a 'good run' seem to be heavily stacked against me somehow, always giving me 1 or 2 bad encounters in a row just when I think I have a chance.
On some runs, I wont have a single chance of getting another crewmember and then die because the dice wont roll well enough for me to trade shots. Other times I'll get multiple crew members/powerups that turn out to be essentially useless in the run before I encounter an enemy with crew members that actually help in combat.
I literally just lost my last two runs where I had splash damage or double shots to the same guy who can stun my crew, what are the chances?!
Also, I have no clue how to win against the angels, and they seem so rare and brutally costly to deal with, that I probably wouldn't take the chance even if I did know.