Wait what!? How was there an enemy ship with no cargo?
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How many cargo did the enemy have? Were they completely unable to do more than three damage ever? So unlucky 13 happens when your cargo totals up to value of 13 and it makes you miss your turn. Also happens when you roll 13 damage in which case it turns to zero instead. But there is a safeguard that breaks out of infinite loops and allows you to take your turn if the enemy can't damage you at all...
Wow, a big thanks for these. ❤️ Quite of lot of things that no one has noticed (or bothered to point) out that aren't even new from the most recent patch.
I think trinketinator being optional would make it too good. I kinda like having things with downsides so they pose as a choice for the player. Like in that case it would be the best choice to sacrifice Bob to get rid of that ability if your pearl effects were more desirable. I called trinkets relics in code and ended up calling them trinkets later on. Looks like some of my internal naming confusions have bled to the UI side too.
Genie event - dice is indeed coming from parsing the crew names. For the frog game word recognition, I have a list of all possible three letter words in a list.
Divine fights in the end game are supposed to be big threats and even run killers really. Allowing you to back off from it would kinda make them pointless and not scary. Guess the fight should show combinations of numbers your damage dice can roll (ie. take boost trinket into account).
More bugs for me to fix! 😅 Was the softlocking run any of these pictured ones? I guess the crew swap caused some kind of error and the game refused to proceed. Would help trying to solve it if I knew what you had (or even more if you'd know what they had too). More things I never even thought of really. How is the love cargo spiced? 😨
Of course I'd be able to add it in if I'm able to reproduce it. Any tips on how to reliably make it happen? And how does it crash? Does it like freeze or completely crash or just ends up working wonky? Even if the button is there on an event, it shouldn't matter really. Though clicking on sail button and some event button at the same spot might do something weird. Might be some timing issue related to looting fast ie. not letting the timers run their course. I'll have to do some investigations...
edit: Now that I thought about it some, I could even do a safety "hide all buttons" when sailing from battle to event just in case even if I can't repro the issue myself. That at least should ensure it stops messing with the next event.
100% agree! It's been by exact pain point with this game since the very first versions and I've been trying to make it less so every patch. And the upcoming 1.2.0 patch is no exception! There will be several new ways for players to have more control over the upcoming events. I'm also nudging the numbers a bit that for example the further along you go without any crew mates, the more likely it gets to encounter events granting you one. Of course these will not completely "fix" the randomness but I'm pretty positive it'll make it less of a luck factor whether or not your run will do well.
It's not always four numbers. It can be less or more depending on the progression. And there is a tiny missing details there too that makes it easier I'm not sure if you've noticed. 😜 But you've nailed what LOVE is though. The amount of it is random so might be hard to fully map out but it is always lots (less than 100 though) and it cracks when it's getting low.
It is beatable though it does require a fair bit of luck (and/or game knowledge). And of course it goes to "endless mode" after a win so it end right after beating it.
I do like to keep the things somewhat mysterious, not to the level of Isaac, but a least requiring a little bit of experimentation and player learning so that not everything is completely transparent like for example in Slay the Spire.
LOVE gives you a special cargo dice that doesn't fully show the number of it. So it can be a big damage sink but not completely show how much it can take.
Oh yeah, that is indeed quite a lot when you run the numbers like that. Didn't really think of it much when adding it and was just like "hurr durr, third of the time isn't that bad as you can actively fight against it with rerolls". Rerolls do still indeed help avoiding those dodges and I kinda like that it adds a fresh layer of required need for staying aware of the "bad" numbers. I don't have any problem with letting max level (I don't think crew can get past level 6 right now withupgraded frog + upgraded frog bard) crew members be very powerful but of course it feels kinda bad when it's used against you. The dodge crew member is always enemy one, it's an alternative version of navigator (who wouldn't do anything on enemy).
With all that math, I think you might like this upcoming event...