Copied from my review:
I ended up enjoying this a lot more than I thought. I'm not usually into fluffy and wholesome things like this but I figured I should give it a shot and I was absolutely impressed.
I can very clearly see the effort you put into this game, from the animated intro and backgrounds to the variations between endings! I am very impressed with what you've done and you truly deserve to get a lot more attention for this game you've made.
The only downside for me is that I prefer longer stories because those give me more time to get invested and get to know the characters, so for that reason I did not feel as much emotional attachment to the story as I otherwise would have had. That said, I think the length is perfect for what you set out to do. If the stories were increased in amount or length it would probably become boring at some point, so I think this is actually the perfect length. So, in short, you've done really well and I am very impressed.