I saw that you updated again. Still with the same error. Thank you for looking into it.
I did it. Then the error reduced to this:
Couldn't find a suitable window platform. (GlfwPlatform - not applicable) <a href="https://dotnet.github.io/Silk.NET/docs/hlu/troubleshooting.html ">https://dotnet.github.io/Silk.NET/docs/hlu/troubleshooting.html </a> at Silk.NET.Windowing.Window.GetView(Nullable`1 options) at Ambermoon.GameWindow.Run(Configuration configuration) at Ambermoon.Program.Main() Press return to exit
I also noticed that the game creates a .net folder on my /home dir with lots of DLLs with libglfw3 included.
I was intrigued about why 1.9.10 version worked and 1.10.[4] don't.
Then I ran the 1.9.10 and closed, got to the generated folder on /home/.net and copied the libglfw.so.3 file.
Then I ran the 1.10.4 just to the game make the new /home/.net folder and I threw the file libglfw.so.3 there... and it worked...
[edit] and, I'm sorry. I'm not an expert. When I installed glfw 3.4 first, I did it wrong. I build a file called "glfw3.a" only. i saw some instructions now and I had to set "cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON" then "make all" first. Now the game works