I don’t think you understand the process of translation or creative writing very well. For simple texts, machine translation can offer some context through translating dictionary meanings and matching patterns, much is lost because of the interpretation of the translation and the word choice that the individual translator chooses.
When a translator translates, there are often phrases that are impossible to directly translate. The translator requires some creative input to figure out what is the best representation of the expression - which extends beyond just word choice and arrangements. These arrangements are formulated between the translator’s biases, what parts of the text interests them, the expectations of translating similar texts from other writers etc.
Generative AI like ChatGPT don’t have these capacities, it simply will use a model trained on general use between these languages, so it has a real potential impact to the artistic quality of the work. I think that if you are using a translation engine to translate the content of your game, you should inform your audience because of that distinct difference.
Similarly, copiloting assistance in programming does not have the same kind of interaction or experience that an individual developer can provide. In fact, copiloting assistance has generally been correlated with decreased quality of code. A big part of this is because the creator is no longer really creating a large part of their own work.
Compare this with using AI assisted grammar assistance. The writer still has full control over the language of the document. They can ignore suggestions made by the editor. And unlike something like a copilot development mode, grammar can be checked independently of the production of the content itself. While its nice to have correct grammar, it’s not essential to the delivery of the product, unlike code, translation etc. I also think it can just be very difficult for creators to trace the influence of AI generated content through something like grammar checks, while using a translation service, ChatGPT generated text, AI generated images etc. are a lot more obvious because you are trying to replace the production of a critical part of game creation.
Ultimately there is some level of all of this that relies on some level of honesty. After all some cases of AI generation can be hard for audiences to tell apart. However, personally, and I think most people would agree with me on this, I much more value my integrity as a developer and a creator to not lie about the technology that I used to create my game, especially if its one as controversial and impactful to the labor force of game production as AI.