Yeah in retrospect that would be a good idea. I ran out of time in the end and couldn’t think of it.
Punished Felix
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So a tip with the Pokemon game. The information is integrated into the UI, so you can use the screen reader to navigate everything. You can figure out what the enemy monster is, their HP etc.
The frogger game is pretty tough to do initially with sound. I got the hang of it after practice. Perhaps better tutorial instructions is needed.
To add on to Ericbomb’s resources - make sure you check out, which is a resource of many indie audio games, many of which were developed by blind people. One of my favorite blind developers to recommend is VGStorm who made the very popular Manamon and other similar games. Check his work out for inspiration.
Once you familiarize yourself with some of the game design used in audio games, try experimenting with how you can combine that with a sighted design. Remember that visually impaired people benefit from graphics!
I also recommend joining the Discord server. There are plenty of blind people there who can give you tips and tricks.
I don’t think you understand the process of translation or creative writing very well. For simple texts, machine translation can offer some context through translating dictionary meanings and matching patterns, much is lost because of the interpretation of the translation and the word choice that the individual translator chooses.
When a translator translates, there are often phrases that are impossible to directly translate. The translator requires some creative input to figure out what is the best representation of the expression - which extends beyond just word choice and arrangements. These arrangements are formulated between the translator’s biases, what parts of the text interests them, the expectations of translating similar texts from other writers etc.
Generative AI like ChatGPT don’t have these capacities, it simply will use a model trained on general use between these languages, so it has a real potential impact to the artistic quality of the work. I think that if you are using a translation engine to translate the content of your game, you should inform your audience because of that distinct difference.
Similarly, copiloting assistance in programming does not have the same kind of interaction or experience that an individual developer can provide. In fact, copiloting assistance has generally been correlated with decreased quality of code. A big part of this is because the creator is no longer really creating a large part of their own work.
Compare this with using AI assisted grammar assistance. The writer still has full control over the language of the document. They can ignore suggestions made by the editor. And unlike something like a copilot development mode, grammar can be checked independently of the production of the content itself. While its nice to have correct grammar, it’s not essential to the delivery of the product, unlike code, translation etc. I also think it can just be very difficult for creators to trace the influence of AI generated content through something like grammar checks, while using a translation service, ChatGPT generated text, AI generated images etc. are a lot more obvious because you are trying to replace the production of a critical part of game creation.
Ultimately there is some level of all of this that relies on some level of honesty. After all some cases of AI generation can be hard for audiences to tell apart. However, personally, and I think most people would agree with me on this, I much more value my integrity as a developer and a creator to not lie about the technology that I used to create my game, especially if its one as controversial and impactful to the labor force of game production as AI.
My personal interpretation:
- Machine translations should be labeled as AI generated content.
- Text to speech depends on whether or not 1) the text was AI generated, and 2) whether or not the intent of the generated speech is to replace human speech. For example, eSpeak is a Text-to-Speech engine that is machine-generated, but nobody would assume an eSpeak voice is intended to replace voice acting. But AI voice generated samples intended to sound like VO should be marked as AI generated.
- Enemy AI is not the same as AI generated content.
- Since the content of spelling/grammar mistakes is still produced by a human, this is not AI generated, unless the AI generates literal sentences/paragraphs as corrections.
- Copiloting code assistance should definitely be marked if the source code is being distributed. For games, I think if the developer intentionally uses AI assistance it should be marked. Also, protip developers - it doesn’t actually make you a better developer and can even increase code churn in your projects.
An in-game screenreader asset for Godot 4.3+ games.
This asset is early in development, it is missing some features like Braille display support. But its better than nothing.
Inspired by the work of LightsOutGames, who created the first Godot accessibility plugin for Godot 3.x, and rodolpheh, who converted LightsOutGames’ plugin to be used for Godot 4.x.
For now, it is something that can be used to attach to your game to make menus and other features more accessible. However, I hope to include this screenreader in a plugin in the future as well to make the Editor more accessible.
[Installation] | [Documentation]
- Converts child Control elements into a format easy to navigate for users with low vision
- Easy to customize and extend
- High contrast theme switcher
- VTT file support and subtitles in VideoStreamPlayer Controls
Note: This is not a screenreader plugin for the Editor, however, this is a goal in the future. If you need some level of editor accessibility, consider LightsOutGames’ godot-accessibility plugin (only works for 3.x).
Thanks, I’ll look into it. I just started working on the game again after health issues, haha. Thanks so much for your support :)
I’m currently building out the AI and I should be finishing it in the next few days - this bug looks like it didn’t load one of the accessibility strings properly. An earlier version might not have this bug but I’ll try to make sure I get this fixed before my next release.
Expect something in the next week or so. Thanks so much for your support it means a lot! Especially for blind play testing!
Why does that matter, you can just disable it if you want a challenge.
DOOM has baby mode and nightmare and nobody would call DOOM an easy game.
I genuinely don’t think giving an audio cue would actually make things easier though. It might actually distract some users, hence why the option is important.
Blind people use screen readers to read text on the screen. The problem is that not every application is built natively to support screen readers. Also, some games require additional navigation sound. The model I proposed in the OP would include a couple of extra special sound effects that would signal to a player what button to press shortly before pressing it. It would act as the equivalent to a visual cue.
Frankly I would want to help for free, it looks like the source code is up publicly. I wonder if its possible to build a module but I would really appreciate the developer if they could get back to me on accessibility. perhaps its time for a pull request
I was exploring r/blind and I noticed people talking about how Friday Night Funkin’ doesn’t offer any blind accessibility. The OP was really upset by this and while I haven’t played the game myself I think that building this accessibility would not be very hard. I would love to offer free assistance so that my blind friends can be able to play this game as well, as well as recommending that you work with r/blind and to make the game more accessible to blind audiences.
For example, you could get started by offering a sound cue shortly before button presses. By using differentiated sound effects and working closely with the blind community, you could make the game much more accessible. This can be turned on/off with a simple option added to the options menu. I don’t mind offering free help to get a basic setup going so that blind players can give feedback and suggestions.
Also, if your game doesn’t already support TTS/navigable menus for blind people I can help you get started with building a frame work.
If you can get SAPI support in windows, that is workable. It’s on hold because I can’t develop it myself but I have a DLL I built if you can’t natively inject SAPI into your program. Also, we plan on doing NVDA support in the future. NVDA is a screen reader.
To test a blind accessibility mode, try to turn off your monitor after you run the game, and try to play it without a screen. Not only will it be incredibly cool, but it will make for a much more playable experience for blind people.
Thanks for reading!
thanks for the suggestions
I probably will add more animations but not in this next update since I’m trying to get all the card effects working. Sometimes I get distracted and add something though lol.
I removed a lot of the “phase” animations since it was taking up most of the time in the duel and was mostly unnecessary.