Work-in-progress build 001 for desktop VR (OpenXR) is out. It's got no intro/UI yet and is pretty rough, but gives you an idea of the gameplay. See the description section on the game's page for the VR controls. Dont' try to play it without VR.
In the first scene, at the starport, the mice have found the cat's spacecraft and are guarding it. You must sneak aboard the spacecraft. Use your tele-cat-nesis ability to move the crates (which attracts the mice), throw the mice, and drop crates on the mice. The mice get knocked out temporarily if the impact is hard enough.
If the spacecraft takes off, then there is the flying scene. After about 10 seconds, you enter an asteroid field. Right now it is just an endless flying, testing the mechanics. No death or anything. You can blow up asteroids though. Enjoy!