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A member registered May 24, 2015 · View creator page →

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Strangely addictive game! My egg finally made it all the way out of the house!

Thanks! Working on that gameplay loop right now. Still learning UE - gotta learn how to do UI stuff.

Thank you!

Thank you for playing and making a video!

I love this! Nice work. The voice acting and artwork are so funny!

Very cool bubble riding mechanics!

Thanks! The win condition is in the latest build.

I found some music that fits just right. Thank you anyway!

Bubbles vs. mold. I'm not sure this game is a feel-good relaxing cleaning game anymore -- it's more like a war! 10 hours left in the SuperTry Game Jam. I'd better start adding some UI, constraints, and sound.

(1 edit)

Made player controls, animations, and put together a kitchen (from KennyNL).  Next to make the cleaning bubbles and dirt. 16.5 hours left.

Kawaii anime ish stuff? Make sure they're public domain or Creative Commons by Attribution license so that we can use them for free.

When you find the music or some good candidates for the music, post the link(s). Thanks!

@Sarainia: If you're interested, we'll need some music. I'm thinking lo-fi feel-good cute relaxing vibes music that's fun for cleaning. I usually find music at https://filmmusic.io/ or https://freemusicarchive.org/home

I'm making a little feel-good cleaning game where you herd your team of cleaning bubbles to clean every square inch of a room. Flap your wings to blow the bubbles around.

The working title is "Jarnathan's Cleaning Service", using the "Jonathan" theme and referencing the Jarnathan character from that Dungeons & Dragons movie, as well as the bubbles and bird theme.

Here's Jarnathan so far. I drew him up in OpenBrush in VR, and then cleaned/optimized in Blender. Now to rig and animate.

I'll start a separate thread for the game so as not to spam the introduction thread.

For this jam, I'm practicing my Godot engine skills. Yes, I do code and 3D modeling/characters/rigging/animations. I make 3D games. So far, I'm going with a stylized cartoony unlit 3D look and am making a cleaning game about a bird wearing an apron, who flaps its wings to herding a team of fluffy cleaning bubbles. If you do 3D modeling or have a VR setup and can draw 3D things in VR with OpenBrush/TiltBrush, I could use a hand making 3D kitchen / bathroom furniture/props. If you're interested, lemme know.

Hi folks, I'm Andrew. I've done too many game jams and have been trying to cut back, but this jam looks fun! I'm jamming entirely online and using this jam to distract myself from the trauma of a burst water pipe / leak, and the currently very noisy mold/moisture remediation currently going on in my home. Portfolio at https://idumpling.com

Wow! That was so funny at the end - you found an exit to the track! :) Thank you for playing!

Yup, there is a lot of game jam jank happening. Basically when one of the clowns on the bottom of the stack get thrown off from landing too hard or hitting something, the ones that are clinging onto that clown will get thrown off too. Thanks for playing!

Awesome video! Thanks for playing!

My record: 2:31 for the 2-lap race.

Thank you for the video!

I think it will be a semi-endless runner, where there will be a short rest break after a distance before continuing again, kind of like interval training. You'll be able to spend the coins at the breaks to level up to deal with tougher challenges.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Thank you!

Thank you!



Hehehe. Such a funny premise. I love it!

Very cute artwork and little jobs for the duck

I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Thanks! Sorry, I don't have a Pico. They still don't even sell it here in the USA. With Godot XR, do things usually "just work" if you change the export checkbox to Pico instead of Meta?

Thank you! For that flat cartoony style, here how I like to do it:

Gentler lighting/shadows: For lights, reduce the shadow opacity or remove the shadows entirely. Increase the ambient/background lighting so that you don't have dark areas. Too much contrast/shadow creates a harsh look. You can even remove lights entirely and use ambient/background lighting if you can get away with it.

Unlit/Unshaded stuff: Wherever you can get away with it, use an unshaded shader. This helps make things simpler and quicker to create when 3D modeling so you don't have to worry about topology and how it interacts with lighting, and can just focus on the silhouettes and shapes instead. Use vertex colors, or smart UV mapping onto a color palette texture for coloring rather than drawing colors onto a texture map, to have crisp sharp color regions even up close. Use shader parameters to apply a tint to the overall mesh if needed.

Draw/model by hand: Use OpenBrush in VR and draw stuff rather than model it in a 3D modeler to get more of a cartoony/drawn feel where everything isn't perfect. Then export it and clean it up in your 3D modeler tool. The sheep were drawn in OpenBrush and then cleaned up / revamped in Blender and broken up into their parts (head, body, separate legs), and then animated through code in Godot for random procedural animations that look ok and never repeat - which is important when you are looking at dozens of the character at the same time.

Thanks! Yeah I realized after the jam that I forgot to add it, and forgot to make the music looping either. It was on my list for so long and would have been such a quick thing to add. I uploaded with only like 2 minutes to spare - ah the fun of game jams! If I make a post-jam version, I'll be sure to add this.

Good idea on using the fan to carry the sheep. I had something like that in the beginning but took it out so I wouldn't be tempted to smack the sheep with the fan. But it is a relaxation game, so if it helps one to relax, then I'd better add that back in.

I drew the sheep in VR using OpenBrush and then edited them in Blender. The OpenBrush concepting helps to give things a quirky organic feel.

Fearing performance issues from having too many sheep, rather than using skeletal/skinned animation, I just separated them into their separate parts (head, legs, body) as plain old meshes and then just coded the walking and idle animations.

Thank you! Yes, I'm the "Your Hand is a Duck" guy. I'm glad I could translate my style across engines. Coming from Unity, this was my second game made in Godot, and I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.

I couldn't download it either. It just kept showing "Generating new download key". Could you please upload it to itch?

Really nice work on the game. I liked the mechanic of having the hot/cold wind for the balloons. Lovely visuals and feel too!