I'm not sure why you want to disable silent gets and drops for generic objects (rather than specific special get handlers for particular objects), but this (should be) how you achieve that.
Now when you go to pick up an object, it will print the standard get and drop message, but that will also insert a press any key after the message is printed followed by a redescribe (assuming the object list changes):
: match "get _" { : get silent="false"; } : match "drop _" { : drop silent="false"; }
The only way to not have a press any key when the object list changes in the auto redescribe mode is for the action to be silent, which is why get and drop are configured this way by default in auto.
There is a known issue (which we discussed earlier) that if the NAME of an object changes, rather than the set of objects listed, then an auto redescribe is not currently (automatically) triggered, but that's a bug (and I'll fix it soon), this one isn't a bug, it's a feature.