Your mistake is in assuming a visual novel is a game more than it is a story. The gameplay is choosing how to react to characters when they ask you a question or make you an offer, and when to interact with whom. Beyond that it is literally a novel. From the complaints I can only assume you've barely gotten through the prologue or you came into this expecting all sex all the time or something. This VN isn't that and that really isn't its selling point.
This is a story of political intrigue in a world of magic and modern at once.
There are choices. Choices you may even regret making for a long time, but this is not an arcade game that is played in the moment to moment.
This is an interactive book for people who actually like reading books.
It is a slow start, I will freely admit; the interesting part doesn't really get fully started until all the characters are met. Such is the price of a complicated setup.
But if you're not interested in learning about people more than putting things in their holes, you should probably check out a different game. Perhaps one that actually uses the word 'game' somewhere in its description.
And notably, Konvel does state right there in the description that you'll get plot with your plot.