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Deleted 61 days ago

Your mistake is in assuming a visual novel is a game more than it is a story. The gameplay is choosing how to react to characters when they ask you a question or make you an offer, and when to interact with whom. Beyond that it is literally a novel. From the complaints I can only assume you've barely gotten through the prologue or you came into this expecting all sex all the time or something. This VN isn't that and that really isn't its selling point.

This is a story of political intrigue in a world of magic and modern at once.

There are choices. Choices you may even regret making for a long time, but this is not an arcade game that is played in the moment to moment.

This is an interactive book for people who actually like reading books.

It is a slow start, I will freely admit; the interesting part doesn't really get fully started until all the characters are met. Such is the price of a complicated setup.

But if you're not interested in learning about people more than putting things in their holes, you should probably check out a different game. Perhaps one that actually uses the word 'game' somewhere in its description.

And notably, Konvel does state right there in the description that you'll get plot with your plot.


Congrats friend, you've discovered the basis of the VN/AVN genre. That's pretty much it. It's not a go places do things game. It's a follow the story, get attached to the characters game. 

We're not praising Konvel because they're making the next best call of duty rival. We're praising them because they're crafting a story with modern classical writing themes and a wide array of characters with choices that may or may not affect the story down the line. 

Can the reading get tedious? Absolutely. But what we're here for is the story. And porn. A lot of us are here for the porn. 

If you want AVNs with "game play", consider playing Wet Sand by Likho Games, Goddesses Whim by NCrow, or Alcyone Legends: Ilias by Alcyone Legends. All great great games, highly recommended personally with mini games, choices, and QTEs. But don't try and put down Konvel, who has been working on this, for YEARS, because you're bored with something that you're just not into. 


okay it seems yall not understand my complain...the sand box mode sucks sorry I hate sandbox box...I love avn that just play as story and I have choices...example...eternum i love the game and I know how to keep the hearth....go do I proceed? I just wanna play as in keep going...not being stuck telleporting talking about stupid some of it is dumb...and has no character back ground much at all, the problem is the sand box mode...I wanna long do I have to waist time in the sandbox mode? I wanna play the was fine before hearth now it's just sand box and sandbox is boring always have been I like sory...idk why someone said I just want sex...I can watch video for that...I want to proceed not he stuck in lame ass sand box mode 


Assumptions were made based on the extremely adversarial tone of both of your posts. 

To progress you need to look at the hints in the menu. Sometimes the hints in the quick hint menu are more or less descriptive than the ones in the main menu and the individual girls' dossier pages. If your complaint is specifically about the need to fill up an invisible "get to know you better" gauge when they really have nothing to say, then I would agree that is a flaw in the tuning. However, if you've been trying to focus on one character, that's probably the major chokepoint you're hitting. Talk to everyone a little bit until they have the hint 'I need to X with Y first' at which point you can stop talking to them. Eventually you'll run out of people who don't have a hint like that and simply talking to the right person will set off a cascade of new event flags as long as you do them in the order of characters they're listed as depending on.
Be sure to also check the main menu for hints about progressing the main plot as sometimes you will need the world to be in a certain state to be able to activate new pending events. You can't deal with a serial killer when there haven't been any killings.

It's possible to get a little stuck. It's not perfect. Sometimes events will happen when you least expect it simply by entering a location even without a hint telling you its there.

Again I would agree that the hinting needs refinement. 

I hope you can figure out the rhythm and enjoy the plot as it unfolds. But if you can't then... that's unfortunate. But maybe take a breath and remember civility if you don't want to fight in a war it seems to everyone else like you just started.

Incidentally, after getting to know everyone in the hearth is where I would say the most interesting part is. It's where all the gears start meshing... or grinding as they sometimes do.


thanks your info does help alot! And I don't really care how others they can be keyboard warriors all the want...yeah i know it's bad not feeling anything but it is my life...i could not care less for this world but this is helpful so thank you very much!