Congrats friend, you've discovered the basis of the VN/AVN genre. That's pretty much it. It's not a go places do things game. It's a follow the story, get attached to the characters game.
We're not praising Konvel because they're making the next best call of duty rival. We're praising them because they're crafting a story with modern classical writing themes and a wide array of characters with choices that may or may not affect the story down the line.
Can the reading get tedious? Absolutely. But what we're here for is the story. And porn. A lot of us are here for the porn.
If you want AVNs with "game play", consider playing Wet Sand by Likho Games, Goddesses Whim by NCrow, or Alcyone Legends: Ilias by Alcyone Legends. All great great games, highly recommended personally with mini games, choices, and QTEs. But don't try and put down Konvel, who has been working on this, for YEARS, because you're bored with something that you're just not into.