I was quite at a loss as for what to do.
The controls obstruct the view and randomly(?) disappear/reappear
The conversation screen with the single mounted npc I found seems bugged when you try hovering on nodes, the links to other nodes freaking out, maybe it's the selected node that switches rapidly and randomly.
then I found a bandit outpost or something and quit playing.
The first thing I did was dig myself down until water, then read the controls. hover seems to work, fly is more like a weightless jump forward? it seems to be iffy. hover activates the swimming animation, if that's intentional.
-the randomize button in the character creator swaps class, gender etc, I thought it was just the looks because it is under the looks side of the menu. that was a tad unexpected.
-Include a demo world to let people play faster?
I'm a fan of the simple graphics and hope to try it again once there's more guidance. I think part of it was me having to use the hover cheat to bear the distance between points of interest.