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For some reason my screen scaling is off or something and the game looks blurry to me (unlike the screenshots), but I played through it, and yeah, the beginning and death/corpses as a mechanic are very similar to my game. :P

Otherwise I appreciate all the differences, it's clear you paid attention to the level design. There was no place where I could get stuck behind a tombstone or not be able to reset in case I messed up, and I like what you've done with the bridges and that you made use of the player deaths much more than I did. Well done! :)

Thanks. And the blurriness shouldn't happen. What browser are you using? And what OS are you on?

Windows 10, Firefox.

Just gave it a try in Chrome and it works well there. Might be a problem with my browser. :)


Maybe. I'll try it out in Firefox whenever I got the time. Thanks for the feedback.