I'm surprised at the movement and abilities.
Not sure about making "interact" in the same button as "dash" because there's always that case of the player intending to do one or the other, depending on the situation.
Found an area with a "2D gameplay" thing, though the camera seemed a bit too above the level.
I've had situations where, after respawn, the camera got stuck in some places.
Even when I left bob-omb field and returned to the main HUB, the camera got stuck in some place.
In Emerald Coast, when I went to the water, the character kept falling until they respawned.
In an area where I used a red pole to go to, I went to a road with the red sides and the camera got placed below the road.
I got like 4 diamonds.
But as the game said, there were indeed bugs.
There's a lot of potential in this.