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EyeBall Tank

A member registered Aug 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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I tried streamlinig tutorial levels so there's only few books with text and the rest is images you just get an idea from and all.

Unless you mean the instructions in the pause menu.

At first, the tutorial levels had various books to read and each one had an image.

People thought this was too much, so I ended up having some images that should be simple enough to indicate something and then the books are used for text that should give a bit more detail about stuff like controls.

I also have an instructions thing in the pause menu.

Like I usually say, it's my first game and one I got too ambitious at but I managed to add enough that I think the game has a chance to be finished.

Seems ok.

After the first rail, I like how there's a ramp after going through a tight path, because it works as a reward for going to a risky direction,

I wonder if spinning in the air could lead to a score system or chances of it affecting movement after landing back on the road.

And also the absense of invisible walls or the addition of air movement.

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By 5th level, you mean the one where the 2 characters are seperate and there's a conveyor belt?

If you fell off the belt, there's still an area with a teleporter where you can return to the belt, but you can still control the companion to activate a blue platform that leads to an area with 2 keys.

The game is pretty much my first, where I used it to learn stuff and also an excuse to show off characters and settings I thought of for a while.

What I noticed about the player character's sprite is how the cross thing works to represent the hitbox.

I love the visuals too.

This is awesome.

Love the movement options and melee mechanics.

It's a fun concept.

Is the hat supposed to work like Aku Aku in Crash where it sort of protects you?

Also, here's the Rentry I wanted to show you

BTW, here's the Rentry I wanted to send you just in case

Ideally, if you touch his raycast, he simply stops in that "laugh" pose before summoning a clone and then goes to run mode.

He can spawn at least 5 clones before becoming sticking to just running.

As for the spinning top: It's because the "staticbody" just changes the direction to left and right like a treadmill, but if you place your character right, you can see them move left/right while the part at the top is either in front of or behind you.

Because it's an illusion and if you don't time it right, you can see the tip suddenly going back or forth, because it's an extra sprite being visible and invisible at times.

Basically, the illusion works if you time it well but it's also not really a deal breaker and it's part of an optional path (Plus, the other way to get that key can also work for the balloons).

What's the Jester King bug, exactly? Because as of now, there's some red text in Godot about him using a non existing animation even though the name is correct in the code. I assumed it wasn't a deal breaker but I should probably revisit that and try to do something.

Yeah, Punch Monkey might be the first "side quest" I guess because with Ricotto and Karoline, they were part of the main paths of progression.

Bonka is full of weird gimmicks and some work, others are "eh" like the spinning top.

I tried to make sure the control/scheme was less annoying that I removed pushing the kid out of the ladder by accident.

But making them playable turns out to be a game saver.

With how the player can interact with some NPC's and also stuff like "conversations", I tried to use that to add more to the characters.

Same can go for the yellow paintings and books.

The game in general exists because I wanted to show off different characters of mine and even go along the idea of a "fake crossover".

(Hence the cute robot world and one that copies Sin City).

It's also my first game, so even if I can make things go forward, there's some limits bound to happen.

The art has issues for a lot of reasons, be it a weird resolution issue with Godot, to me rushing stuff to the point I trace over models on Blender.

I want to make the cutscene art a bit better like figuring out some shading. Whereas with ingame, I had instances of replacing some level prop art and some sprites were messed up.

Not sure about how I can go with tweaking physics due to the game's already weird structure.

I will say some things in the levels are "areas" that change the characters' states and how they interact with stuff like ice changes them to an "ice" state. This is because I couldn't find any proper tutorials about character and ice physics, so I borrowed some come from a tutorial project that no longer exists.

I have some ideas on what music should be but still want to leave that to a later stage of development.

Even the sound effects could be improved in the future.

But thanks for playing.

The hand is based off mine because it's a weird thing I could do since I was a kid.

I also did that thing in general as last time I'd do those tricks before I can't/shouldn't anymore.

I wanted to make sure that vertical level could still in theory be completed with regular commands but there's an obvious reason why "OP" is written in the left side with tree tiles.

I wanted the spider boss to be a bit more ambitious like maybe the Spider would go to the stage and attack you or somehow you could throw things at it.

Went with a simpler execution based on my current limits, but at least the background spiders are still there.

Depends on what I can do with sprites without messing them up, because with a scene like the level prop, I edited some sprites and they got messed up.

So I had to replace them differently.

It depends on how I can work with AnimatedSprite and avoid certain oddities.

I did have an idea of a secret interaction where the older siblings pet the younger ones on their head but all I have is a vague theory and it only being available under playable companions.

The explosion does look like garbage, but it can also depend on my overall limitations. Maybe I could get someone else to draw them a bit better in the future and maybe even had some transparent thing to simulate light.

If I'm not wrong, the explosion used for some enemies is a seperate scene on its own.

Most sounds come from FreeSound, with some selected under Creative Commons. I hope better alternatives are like that.

The levels got way too big because of stuff like lore and visuals, since Greklovick was me going heavy on sci-fi concepts and certain influences.

Probably has the most illustrations too, which is why the "animated" artworks are a thing now.

I still want music to be considered much later because I got some vague ideas on what they could sound like (Or at least, what references to somehow copy and get away with it).

That's a neat track but I also want something specifically made with the game in mind, so I'll still save the music part for later.

But thanks for playing.

It was short but I had fun.

Seems the chainsaw weapon is the only one with an alt fire.

I'm not sure if pistol ammo is a thing or if it gets ammo when I pick up shotgun shells, because I don't think enemies drop ammo.

I couldn't shoot at all at first.

So I had to press down and somehow rotate my angle.

Controls feel weird in a game like this.

Then there's how I basically have one life and the first stage already having too much stuff going on.

The game doesn't seem to have a menu that much.

I think you could have an easier place to check the game's controls, like something in the menu with the info written there in case people forget stuff from the tutorial.

(Unless I overlooked that).

When I use left mouse in inventory, the character still attacks.

There's no mouse on the pause menu and it still rotates the player's camera.

Also noticed some white text on the bottom left corner of the screen, which can be overlooked.

Pause menu might not even work.

I tried zooming out with mouse wheel but even that may not work.

I do like how the enemies try to remove the arrows that were shot at them.

Not sure if there's a "run" button.

Managed to have a stab animation with one enemy.

Managed to kill one target.

When I died, one of the guards ate a banana from me.

In general, there's a lot of stuff in the game that works and is thought out.

The way how chopping feels is kinda odd, because I wasn't sure if I should time it right.

So I kept simply clicking fast and upgrading it with what I got.

Managed to enter the inside of that tree and get to the mine minigame.

When I click anywhere in the inventory, I can still see the playable character swing the axe.

Will the mine minigame also have a go-up button?

There's some interesting stuff here.

Seems fine though I struggled getting into climb mode when I had to jump and then attach to a ladder with nothing underneath.

I've seen comparisons and comments like that.

I tried making the control scheme less annoying and even added the option to play as the little siblings.

It is what happens when your first game is a very ambitious project and partially an excuse to show off different kinds of characters.

I used a few sounds I could find.

I still want to make sure this gets finished.


It's pretty much an excuse for me to show off some characters of mine and a bit too ambitious for my first game, but lots of things went forward so I ended up sticking with it.

Nice visuals, hard gameplay.

My one pet peeve is that I had to install DirectPlay to play this, while I wanted to avoid updating my computer.

For some reason, the game closed at some point.

Weird because the gameplay seemed fine and I even went to the settings and managed to customized them with no problem.

But yeah, there's cool stuff going on.

But are there any lean controls? Because the camera does seem to kinda rotate to either left or right, as if there could've been some peeking-behind-corner mechanic.

Interesting game with neat character designs, though I sort of had to figure out the controls myself at first.

Simple game.

It felt more like an IQ test to me because I really didn't think much and my first two triple combos were accidental.

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The presentation and mood is charming.

The combat so far was fun and the use of fire to activate those pillars was neat.

Reached that place where I could use the shield to deflect fireballs from those lava snakes.

Because I'm not quite used to the controls (And think I reached an issue where explore/combat mode somehow switched camera modes), I accidently burned myself to death.

Like the aesthetic and Marathon influence, though the pistol had a bit of a long enough reloading for me.

I tried setting it to window mode but instead the window mode resolution cropped the text from the terminals, so I went with fullscreen.

It also seems the automap has the player walk on black empty areas.

For some reason, my computer's monitor said stuff like "for best resolution try blablabla" and when I quit the game, bunch of stuff I had open was in small windows.

At first, the shift key wasn't responding.

The game is fun besides that issue with the shift key I had.

It's a fun game for what it is.

Had to use A/D because that makes it a bit easier to anticipate the next color.

For some reason, moving the camera is stuttery.

Which is weird because the rest of the game doesn't seem laggy.

I had some trouble with it but it's a cute concept.

Part of my trouble is trying to time the jump while keeping up rotation angle.

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Game mainly exists as an excuse for me to show off a variety of characters and ideas I had for a while.

Because there's also different kind of worlds to visit and even objects and stuff purely for the sake of the world.

(I even have videos of all levels just in case anyone wants to see that).

The option to switch between characters exists in case the commands would get difficult, which is also why the Companions don't have a lot going on on their own (E.g. they can't interact with NPC's).

Z making the kid jump is because I couldn't find a way to make their jump automatic that wouldn't feel weird.

I just didn't figure out key control on menus yet.

At least in some levels, the kid can matter, like having to go through crawl zones.

The level you didn't finish is l3300n.

The red key is more to the left, after you get the yellow key and it's near a robo sheep.

If my art is getting better, it's because I got a bit more aware of making colors less "eye hurting" and tried making some faces less weird in some stuff.

But the lack of shading and weird resolution is still there.

I'm aware my game will always be unpopular, but I wanna make sure it's finished and that I get to make more games.

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Got around controls and video settings, so in the left passage I had some fun.

Reminds me of old computer games and I managed to finish that.

The second path, however, I got stuck after picking the blue book.

But overall, this project has charm and I like the sitting mechanic.

It's technically my first game and with one lots of ambition, because I wanted to use a variety of characters.

Part of why the game may feel bloated is because there's a lot of levels and different worlds that I wanted to give the idea of a "fake crossover".

So some stuff is the way it is because of my dev skills.

The idea of switching characters was in case the regular "command" system was still difficult to players and it using 2 buttons is in case a single wasn't good enough in some cases.

At some point, there were more texts in the tutorials but people said they'd make the game feel slower and take more time, so I replaced most with images.

Did 4 levels of this, by the second it seems I could go through a door and see an unfinished version of the first level.

But this really looks cool, the wiring mechanic is amazing.

But it seems enemies are invisible at times and I'm not sure if that's intentional and I overlooked some story reason.

The new level is cool and I was surprised by the mech enemy.

The copycat and some guy with sunglasses and flames on his shirt were new to me (Is his name Spike?).

And I also got to the plinko  and pinball games.

I also noticed the news paper for when you lose.

And also details I probably overlooked like clicking the lid of the dinner plate to make it bounce.

I like the idea of cloning a game down to even its iconic mechanics but still having its own visual identity.

Reminds me of stuff like Secret Maryo Chronicles and FreeDoom.

If by advance text, you mean the "conversations", I maybe should figure out a way to "speed" up that animation without messing up with the system.

With cutscenes, I set up slow/fast settings but maybe at some point, I could try a "much faster" option.

You did remind me that the siblings being split is a bit rare.

At least with how many levels start that way.