How ALL statements work ...
When an ALL (or EVERYTHING) noun is detected, on certain verbs (default only works on GET, DROP, PUT, and REMOVE), then Adventuron uses the ALL as a replacement token, and finds all matching items that make sense (GET scans objects in the current room, DROP scans inventory, etc), then it submits multiple sentences to the engine GET ALL in a room with a ROPE and a LAMP and a TRACTOR, would only try to get the ROPE and the LAMP (as they are the only conveyable objects).
Adventuron would then executure two on_command {} loops, and two on_tick{} loops, one for each exploded sentence "GET ROPE" (round 1), and "GET LAMP" (round 2).
Each of those statements would have a default handler ready to run if there is nothing to override the GET statement in the on_command {} block.