Thank you for giving it a go! Every play means a lot to me, and every comment, the world! XD
I do hope to find some more time to return to Polar Seven; I'm elbow deep in other jam work, classes, and uh just work work so the schedule is strained as-is, but I put so much time into it already that it would be nice to see it through. I had two modules (like the light and heater) planned that didn't make the deadline, and I need to add some more environment stuff and puzzles and things, but it's reassuring to know that other people can see it and think it has potential despite how little time there was to make content after doing the graphics and systems and stuff.
The tripwires are a delicate thing. I planned them around how visible they were on my setup, but I've since played a few games with puzzles that suffered a lot from visibility issues caused by like not having your monitor at full brightness and I need to account for such things better, I think. A feature I had planned that is actually easy to do but I couldn't find a moment to implement it is to make the tripwires have higher contrast when the player's light is on. This would solve the problem of them maybe not being visible enough, but I'm worried it would trivialize them too, hmm...
On the other hand it would make them easier to notice and hurry to for the tasty blast XD
Thank you again for playing and commenting! It really does mean a lot! :D