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A member registered Jun 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Just wanted to chime in and say I finally got these busted out since I'm doing some higher res graphics for a game jam and they're really great! Takes the bite out of trying to do walk cycles, which are still, ya know, tough, but these templates are amazing ^^

Thanks! Those are the things I spent like the most time on, so I'm happy it really came together for the most part ^^

Thanks! I try really hard to get like a  feel into the stuff I tinker with, so I'm happy it comes across :D

Had a good time with this! I'm not sure I can add anything that hasn't been said already, but I do think it comes together well, and the minimalism of the graphics works well with the atmosphere of the sound. Thank you for submitting it so we can all give it a look :D

Thanks! The music and sound just come from libraries I've collected (audio is outside my skillset at the moment), but nearly all the graphical assets were my own made during the week? It was a lot of work but it was pretty fun too. I've been playing around a lot lately with 4 color palettes and low resolutions, so this was a cool way to try those out under a practical time constraint. Thank you for giving it a go and leaving your thoughts! :D

Certainly! I've yet to tune into a commentary on one of my projects just due to lack of guts, but I'll try to summon some up and give it a go :3

Thanks! I didn't have time to test it prior to release, and some of the feedback I got implied the puzzle solution probably needs to be signposted better, which I do agree with. One of the fixes I would make is to make the plaque a zoomed in graphic like the phonebook instead of communicating the puzzle information with a text box, since some people were confused by what exactly I was trying to convey with it. If I do a post-jam version, that will definitely be there, but I'm happy if you had a good time with it anyway! :3 

Thank you for giving it a go! Yeah, there is no other end state. It's a little limited since it had to be made in a week and has some jam jankiness on top of that, but I might try and tidy it up sometime, I started putting some notes down on fixes already...

Anyway anyway, thanks for giving it a looksee! I'll have to checkout the video when I have a moment ^^

Ah, sorry for the trouble, I didn't see that you can actually update the plugin from the collision tool executable. Figured it out! Honestly, such a super clever tool here, and very good to see a pixel collision/8 direction movement/ledge system that is still actively worked on!

Hi! I'm sorry to bother ya, just, I saw that this got updated to 1.9.0 not too long ago, and I was wondering if that update was also coming to the Steam DLC (which I think is at 1.5.2)? I got it there before I knew about your itch and love the plugin, so just wanted to see if it would still be getting updates there or if I should get it again through itch instead? Sorry for the trouble!

Finally got around to playing this the last short while and had a pretty good time with it! Really liked the music! Pretty happy to try out the sequel of sorts and all ^^

Thanks! I haven't really put together a sequence like this before, so it was good for experience. I wanted to continue building for the Trans Representation Jam, but my brain kind of exploded and refused to cooperate =w=

Thanks! It's very very tiny, but I didn't want to let the jam slip by without putting anything up even though I learned about it late. Such is life ^^;

I played the original Walthros way back when, so I was super jazzed to see it got like, a completely renewed version! I'm having a real blast with it so far, and the inclusion of creator commentary is like, my favorite thing too ^^

I played through this tonight and thought it was pretty awesome. Other than the spookiness, I think it captures thosee sort of bittersweet feelings of holidays and memories well. Thank you for releasing these :D

P comments · Posted in P comments

Haven't played yet, but I love Kenji Eno's stuff so I'm like hell yeah XD

I really enjoyed reading this! I know it's kind of a small moment in the whole thing, but I really like the bit where Kairi reacts to the statement that she wasn't considered the third wheel? Like she hasn't been like a distant afterthought basically all the time, relegated to us being told of her significance instead of like, shown how important she is to her friends? Like how the games handle Sora and Riku's dynamic? I dunno, just it's always sat wrong with me how strained her position in the story is since I played the series years ago.

So thanks for putting that whole vibe in a touching  set of comics ^^

I thought this was pretty funny and enjoyed it! I didn't know about this whole Old Republic controversy either? It was good to read up on the context and stuff. We've come a long way with media representation, so it's kind of interesting to see the same kind of pearl-clutching retorts we have even now to this like small, caged off, lean-meated portion of a game that contains representation. Hopefully stuff will keep changing for the better and we'll make longer strides than we did in the decade since the "gay planet" blipped up on the navigator.

Thought this was very inspiring to experience! I didn't know much about this stuff, and I leave inspired. Perhaps like a fairgoer would in 1925 XD

Oh neat! I'm a big MV user, so that's good news. I saw you were discontinuing support for a lot of the MV splits of plugins as the versions went on, so I guess it makes sense to have them collected up and signed off on? Either way, appreciate the work!

This looks super cool and I'm both really excited to play it and feel like it will be very inspiring creatively! So thanks for making it! ^^

I really like the softness of these? My current project is more gloomy-mooded, but I wanted to make my next one more colorful and like, naturalistic fantasy? Like a Mana type sorta palette/vibe. I think these sounds are gonna be perfect for that! ^^

Just to be a little clearer, for the sake of not damning with faint praise and leaving things up to the sometimes-euphemistic "interesting", I mean the game experience resonated with me, which is what I think games should try to accomplish, artistically, so. That is probably more helpful, slightly XD

I understand that a lot. I read somewhere recently that it takes energy to take in something new, so a lot of us folks who feel tired tend to fall back on the familiar rather than overcome that friction.  It's trouble enough finding the mental resources to work on projects, I find, so my leisure time is typically pretty predictable unless something of enough keenness catches my eye.

I feel like solo games are amazing to help develop like, creativity and imagination and personal voice, but again that sounds like work? Overcoming that inertia is certainly a struggle ;w;

It's okay, just consider my mind fully boggled

I thought this was really cute! The puppet-style sprites and stuff were very charming! Kind of reminds me of when TTRPG night gets a little too unfocused XD

I enjoyed the parallels at play here. I also remember the like, ripper logos on many a chipset insisting on credit, or even not to steal it and claim credit for the ripping? There was a goofy irony to it, like, how precious we can be with anything we can manufacture a claim of credit to, even if the thing was stolen in the first place. Property of the museum, I guess.

Not that those things weren't of value to the community, and some ripping projects were very intensive, just kind of fascinating that a community built around pirated software and frequently pirated assets were a lot less generous with that freebooting attitude when there was a name to be made and forum rep to protect. Guess assets from like, companies and stuff, and even RM2K's maker itself were seen as distant and far away enough power-wise to not matter in those assessments.

Not me actually jumping at the scare OAO;

I thought this was super cute! I think it's very interesting to see like, the characters people appreciate the most and why? I dunno, it's just kinda fun! XD

(1 edit)

I thought this was an interesting experience! Which I know is kind of a meaningless observation, but it's sort of a tough game to talk about.

When I was younger, my social anxiety was so bad I could barely talk on the phone, and was just marginally better on the internet. One time I found the bravery to join a forum and post. I got immediately barked at for necro posting (I had no idea what that was). So I stopped talking and I didn't end up joining a forum again for a very long time. This game reminds me of that experience, down to the frustrated indignation of the social outsider being misconstrued and effectively spoken over by an in-group they don't really grasp the norms of. Captures the vibe effectively.

(Also, I cannot place the front angle dragon fantasy game, but computer stuff was not my forte in the 00s)

Maybe I can link to it? I think I have it on file here somewhere, I'm not sure how accommodating of links Itch is, even to its own stuff.

Lost Histories Jam Link. Hopefully that works, I've never had to insert a link before. The piece I'm most familiar with in there (and how I found it in the first place) is "Dictionary of the Known World" which discusses parts of theory, culture, and practices around old RPG Maker forums. I thought the title was pretty clever.

And I've been meaning to take a crack at "Not Signs" actually. I've been wanting to get into journaling/solo games more but struggle to summon the attention usually? But I've been journaling/note taking a lot more since I've been tracking various game ideas and things, so like I'll have to try and apply that to an experience instead of untangling my brain, I suppose XD

Sunk into this for a spell, felt a lot of stuff. It feels a little awkward to comment on something so personal, just want to say it resonates a lot

Ah, no worries, I thought it was a really enjoyable read given the games archaeology of sorts I find fascinating. It was amusing too to chew on it and think about what other niche games I know that it reminded me of.

I was actually curious about the jam it was submitted under, but I was working under a different jam at the time, but I missed the deadline for it so now I'm just tinkering with the thing independently and so on...actually, if you like this kind of thing, there was err I think it was called the Lost Histories jam, I don't know when it was held. Either way though, it had a number of submissions kinda in this vein, people talking about defunct forums and strands of history like that. Worth a look maybe?

I know things can be a little disheartening, like, throwing stuff out there and there not really being a ripple back? Expression unheard is a kind of misery. But I understand too that it's really nice when the signal connects through the noise and all? So thank you for putting something out there that I could tune into! I'll have to check out more of your stuff too ^^

It's hard to imagine a full understanding of social online spaces, but I am at least grateful to have expressive spaces that do not make one too vulnerable. At least, to some degree. Like you say once you get big enough to have like, gravity, you become "public" and your walled garden of sorts becomes an attraction instead. Which is good in some ways, like, a lot of artists who want to make a living of it need to self-promote, but it also seems exhausting to lose that barely perceived quality and becoming vulnerable through sheer spotlight, particularly with works of self-expression...I did appreciate how Candle in your piece insists on respecting sitzdev's peace; we've all read horror stories about folks who take playing detective too far in the gaming space.

Ultimately though I am appreciative of these windows too. I've learned a lot about myself through the graces of these lenses, and I've come closer to finding my voice with that help. Someday I hope to leave a trailmarker of my own, I suppose.

Very cute game! The flying reminded me a lot of like NES era Kirby's very generous flapping about.

I've played Beginner's Guide! I thought it was very sharp! Been a good while, would be good for a revisit. Not to wander too far in the weeds of it, just the other day I was thinking about some pages I follow on Itch and like, how eventually those pages will stop updating? I'll only ever know that person through the art they release and like, the graphic layouts, avatar, and fonts they chose to represent themselves in a specific space that is both kind of personal but also somewhat commercial and public. Even if the work resonates a lot? Guess that's in the Beginner's Guide's ballpark a little.

Won't talk your ears off with the musing, of course. Might make a game on it someday, maybe.

If it's any consolation, I've been finding in my creative stuff that in the process of making things I often find better practices for how to make stuff while I am in the middle of the thing? I think it is a good thing to look at a released project and make notes of the improvements to be made, whether for future things or a refined version.

I'm always on the lookout for sound libraries, so if you release updates or a version 2, or other libraries / sound assets, I'd definitely give them a look!

I thought this was pretty cool. I grew up with a very distant view of RM2K communities, and now find a lot of enjoyment in reading blogs and LPs that cover the ins and outs of projects I saw or heard of in passing during my RPG Maker youth. This reminds me a lot of those kinds of partially-concrete, partially-intuition analyses, so I think you did a great job with it!

Sitzprobe kind of reminds in part of OFF, mainly like the friction between two main characters and taking place in sort of an abstract place with like, abstract/symbolic dialogue, I guess. If it existed, I imagine I would play it through, take in all the vibes, then chew on a bunch of analysis by people a lot sharper than me XD

Super happy I stumbled across this while leafing through all the assets on itch. I've been watching a lot of mecha stuff recently and it's gonna be super cool to have good sounds for like, making mecha games with the right old-school vibe! Very hyped for it! ^^