GODot chads represent!!
Already lovin' the idea and the aesthetics you're building, good job! Things already feel good and fun to play, so please keep at it!
Here are my thoughts:
- Stretched pixel fonts without the Nearest filter don't seem to fit your aesthetic. some futuristic and stylized, but still legible, font would be better.
- It seems like a better idea to preload() the gun assets you'll use, as the load stutter on first firing them is pretty jarring, or at least do it on pickup, that way it's a little more expected. Same issues with other assets: making things load at the right time is important to make the game feel less janky.
- Could be interesting to have sprinting and the related actions also use up fuel, that way you have a reason to not just sprint everywhere.
- Remember to use the correct settings for Label3D to ensure they won't clip into stuff, like for the Hijacker text.
- Weapons with high recoil/cooldown should have more exaggerated animations to make it easier to see when you can fire them again.
- A button guide on the HUD could be a neat, in-game way to make people feel less lost at the start.