I enjoyed the demo, especially the missile defense one since it was challenging enough to force me to experiment with tactics/loadout (I ended up going with Flamer/Laser).
I had a weird mouse issue where the slower I moved my mouse the higher the sensitivity was. If I slowly moved my mouse around my sensitivity was really high, but if I swung my mouse really quick across the same distance my aim would barely move.
A love letter to /agdg/. Pure sovl, even if it's a bit jank.
Nuke effect is gorgeous. Lazer shoots the lazer somewhere off target, so is the railgun. And while railgun is a hitscan - it kinda messes up the lazer since the hitbox goes to the left of the target reticle.
Also - I don't think large open areas work - arena defense and the level with the thruster were kinda boring. Smaller levels are fine though, loved uncovering secrets by shooting walls.
I'm loving it so far! It's cute that you're recreating doom and quake levels, it didn't go unnoticed. And the hand drawn characters look charming as hell.
As far as feedback:
- The laser cannon very obviously doesn't go to the center of the screen. This is very easy to fix actually. Instead of shooting the laser in the direction of the cannon, spawn the laser with the same origin but with a direction towards the world position that the crosshair is hitting. Does it mean the laser might shoot slightly diagonally sometimes? yes. Will it be noticeable? 99% of the time no. And that's the way most big money games do it.
- Dodging and boosting on the same button makes sense. But only boosting when moving forward and only dodging in other directions feels awkward. Sometimes I want to boost sideways but for that i have to boost forward then change directions.
- Oh, the spark effect when landing makes it feel like you're taking damage, thankfully that's not the case but it's a bit confusing the first few times it happens.
in hawken, you can only boost forward and dodge sideways. being able to boost sideways is a quirk of how my code is written.
but the thing is.. i kind of like it! it essentially adds an extra movement option, kind of like strafing sideways pretty fast, which comes in handy sometimes. i have been reluctant to "fix" this behaviour for a long time, and i am seriously considering leaving it in as a feature of its own.
i WILL buff the side dodge to make it more worthwhile though, that's for certain
Already lovin' the idea and the aesthetics you're building, good job! Things already feel good and fun to play, so please keep at it!
Here are my thoughts:
Stretched pixel fonts without the Nearest filter don't seem to fit your aesthetic. some futuristic and stylized, but still legible, font would be better.
It seems like a better idea to preload() the gun assets you'll use, as the load stutter on first firing them is pretty jarring, or at least do it on pickup, that way it's a little more expected. Same issues with other assets: making things load at the right time is important to make the game feel less janky.
Could be interesting to have sprinting and the related actions also use up fuel, that way you have a reason to not just sprint everywhere.
Remember to use the correct settings for Label3D to ensure they won't clip into stuff, like for the Hijacker text.
Weapons with high recoil/cooldown should have more exaggerated animations to make it easier to see when you can fire them again.
A button guide on the HUD could be a neat, in-game way to make people feel less lost at the start.
im not too found of the color banding stylization, it makes things look garish and harder to discern
development/direction seems kind of aimless, and a lot of things are begging for polish theres a lot of stuff that feels "thrown in" -- i think just focusing on 2 or 3 test levels to really nail down the core of the game would help a lot
Pretty cool, quite the glow-up from last time I played it! Lot's of progress, but I vaguely remember that I had the same issue last time: Load stutters. You gotta fix that man, you can't have the game hitch every time something explodes.
Insane progress since the last time I played. >I dig the vector vision. Maybe it could be black green and cybery? Maybe not. >It's funny this game has more vertical movement freedom than shrimp game lol. Feels good exploring the maps >I like the hot girls. I was pretty horny today! >Some of the sfx are pretty rough, but I assume a lot of them are just wip placeholders. >I'd like more enemies to shoot like others have mentioned
Seems like you're getting close to some kind of vertical slice? Keep improving and polishing things! Keep it up!!
Solid content with a variety of missions, i couldnt figure out how to destroy the laser on the moon. and the gattling gun seemed to be bugged somehow it wasnt showing up but i could still use it. Enemies seem a lil too easy i could just shift past most of them.
Played all levels. Only played the arena and the bridge level in previous demos.
The large level feels really nice but some of the enemies are in weird places and can't seem to properly shoot at you. Also agree with the other commenters. I want to shoot at more things if you're going for a Hawken-like. I also wish the levels were a bit longer. I want to play more.
The boosters are also a cool concept especially for the large levels but using them was very janky. I was only able to strafe a little bit while boosting and I would like for a little bit of control and especially some camera controls during boosts. Godont physics also made me glitch through a floor on the large level. Speaking of movement I think the movement in Hawken was also more fluid. I feel like switches between walking and shift-sprinting is slow sometimes.
The weapon variety is cool and certain weapons make sense for each enemy type and level, although the enemies all feel very much the same. Haven't figured out what the F-viewmode does. The destructive art pieces were a nice touch.
Solid demo. Thicc. Juicy. Not enough spaghetti, but it's got the sauce.
Too easy at the moment. Would have loved more fodder enemies, like the little spiders, to give me more stuff to manage while taking down the BigMeccs.
Sense of scale is incredibly off. I felt like a li'l rat in some of the maps due to the size of them, and took a long time to lumber from A to B.
Dash feels useless since sprinting sideways is infinitely faster. I wish gun changing was snappier or at least more informed (Although I missed the tab keybind)
Good progress about your player character and effect but I also can feel there's no real direction for the game, I don't understand where you want me to give feedback as 90% of the demo seems to be in a embronic state.
Doom and Quake level are boring because your control are not designed on level, I'm not talking about the enemies that probably are in WIP as that they do they only runs towards you on a straight line, I want to point out that those levels are too big with a movement that is all about pressing shift + movement to get done.
RNG and Arcade plays awkwardly cause the control scheme is just weird, there's no reason to walk in this game at the moment so I keep doing the 180 with Dash + S by mistake because my instincts tells me to run backward but i get "punished" for it, and I don´t understand the usage as with M&K are more the enough to turn. All enemies just follow you on a straight line making them feel samey. Mech enemies are weakest as they can only be "stunned" smaller enemies should have far less health. Nuke effect is cool but could be too good, it stands out as the most detailed VFX of the game, forcing you to think about making everything good as the Nuke quality effect or you might have to scale it down.
The wireframe view mode is the most confusing feature as it looks like a debugging tool to check optimization, some models have far more polygons and faces than others so that would also force you to polish everything accordingly but I would suggest you to rework it or scrap it, or keep it as a nodev with far more time than me will points out all the inconsistencies with the models
Also the crosshair is still not centered where your gun shoots, the nailgun in particular doesn't shoot straight
i might have to double check the quick turn, maybe i'm doing something wrong compared to hawken since everybody seems to trigger it by mistake damn i really need to fix that crosshair lol the wireframe IS the debugging tool built in in godot, did you rike it i will add more enemies to the earlier levels eventually..... >force you to polish everything accordingly sounds like a good plan to me
It's good, but I feel like I want to be challenged a bit more by the enemies in ways that aren't just swarms. The moon laser level was the only one I died in, but that was more because I was trying to just focus on the big laser instead of dealing with anything else at all.
Generally feels pretty good, sounds could use some work though. The sprint behaviour is either a run (expected), run that stops immediately (not expected), and turning around 180 degrees (very unexpected and also disorienting). There aren't really any scenarios in the game that necessitate the quick turning at the moment because everything moves quite slowly, so maybe bring that onto a separate key? Also, landing doesn't feel like landing, it looks like I exploded but sounds like nothing happened.
I get that boosters lock you into the direction, but I'd appreciate being able to turn it off. As it stands, there's no real option to use it for anything other than travelling that exact distance, even if you just want to go up by a little bit.
It took me until the Moon level to realise that the 2 semicircles on the HUD were weapon statuses.
Actually liked the briefings and dialogue a lot more than I expected to. It's short and sweet.
the overboost is just for crossing large distances quicker. i was thinking of making it last less and recharge quicker to be less annoying, but it's not designed to be a true six degrees of freedom kind of game.
the control scheme (side dodge, quick turn etc) are all based on hawken, and i'm not willing to compromise on them.
i have purposefully kept the difficulty low to make testing easier, but i do plan to ramp it up eventually.
yeah i really need to create a new particle effect for landing, i just recycled an explosion effect for now.
The agdg-head enemy has the potential to be pretty fun, make it to listen to player input and camera direction for good dodging
After pressing the booster I cannot turn it off neither change the direction even a little, is it working as planned?
When changing the gravity flamethrower does not spawn particles
For me the walk sound feels VERY annoying, more like a shuffling geezer than someone huge and metallic so I prefered to fly around to just stop hearing this
it's kind of counter intuitive to make the loading screens longer on purpose, but now that i think about it, i heard that AAA studios do it on purpose to make the games feel more "professional".
It more like having a complex art for milisec loading. I though you were flashing porn or something because I didn't have time even see anything but a pair of legs.
Sometimes when I try to sprint it ends after a split second, I assume it's some kind of dodge function since it only happens when pressing left or right, but sprinting seem to be just as fast as dodging so I don't see why bother with that when it's so common to accidentally dodge when you try to.
Whenever you fire a nuke there's a particle that spawns in previously nuked locations, also the particles stop if you're not looking at them.
When finishing snowstorm (I think?) there's a message that tells you the demo is over.
During Moon I killed the gun but the level didn't end, idk if there's a timer or something:
After finishing Etna the game went black for a second but the level didn't end, same for Atlantis. This happened 3 times during the conduit bossfight but the level did end and I got my award.
Floor 1 of the conduit did not stop spawning enemies and I had to run to the exit at 5 fps:
The shotgun could use a faster RoF considering how weak it is. Sometimes the nails from the nailgun collide with an enemy and stop in midair instead of dealing damage, they seem to eventually get unstuck and properly damage the enemy after a while.
yes many levels are blatantly incomplete. i initially planned to hide the levels after snowstorm, but i decided to allow people to play them even though they don't have a proper win condition set up yet the side dodge is a big part of hawken. if it kinda feels useless then i might have to buff it to make it more worthwhile the screen goes black when one of the bosses hits you with an E.M.P. projectile, it goes away shortly after. yeah the enemies spawning endlessly is an old bug that i think i fixed in the arcade map but not yet in the generated floors, i'll have to double check. thanks for playing!
I finally got a new GPU, so I can actually play this with over 10 FPS. I played the Linux build.
This game was really fun! At first I thought the dithering filter made it hard to see, but I eventually got used to it so it's not that big of a deal. I think it adds to the atmosphere. By the way, I really liked this game's atmosphere. It is a problem, though, that it makes some dark sections darker than probably intended (I got confused about where I was multiple times during the first few stages because of that, and back-tracked once). Making the flashlight a bit brighter would probably fix it. My favorite weapon was the nuke. I like that it deals an absurd amount of damage but you can basically insta-kill yourself with it if you're not careful. The nail-gun is kind of weird. I'm not sure what it does. Sometimes it doesn't even seem to deal any damage. The flame-gun, on the other, is weird but in a different way. It's really strong, but it doesn't look like it should go as far as it does. I can be standing ten feet away from an enemy and still deal damage.
The stage with the boosters was really fun. I like Ace Combat and the flying around in a big stage looking for turrets to destroy reminded me of AC2. I found it funny that the enemy mecha AI in the duels starts running away from you if you're beating it up too badly.
As for the bugs/weird behavior: the screen resolution setting doesn't seem to work. I set it to my resolution and restarted the game, but it didn't do anything. In fact, the settings in general are awkward. For example, the mouse sensitivity option doesn't seem to kick in until you've started another stage, which is far from convenient. There was noticeable freeze before I fired some weapons, but that may just be my toaster acting up. This is more of a design choice, but I don't like that the hover stops at a set height. It feels weird. I feel it should either gradually lose velocity, or just be a simple hover, that is, not make you go up at all.
(I graciously accept my "wasted the whole day" award.)
I enjoyed the demo, especially the missile defense one since it was challenging enough to force me to experiment with tactics/loadout (I ended up going with Flamer/Laser).
I had a weird mouse issue where the slower I moved my mouse the higher the sensitivity was. If I slowly moved my mouse around my sensitivity was really high, but if I swung my mouse really quick across the same distance my aim would barely move.
A love letter to /agdg/. Pure sovl, even if it's a bit jank.
Nuke effect is gorgeous. Lazer shoots the lazer somewhere off target, so is the railgun. And while railgun is a hitscan - it kinda messes up the lazer since the hitbox goes to the left of the target reticle.
Also - I don't think large open areas work - arena defense and the level with the thruster were kinda boring. Smaller levels are fine though, loved uncovering secrets by shooting walls.
I'm new to agdg so most of this flew over my head!
I'm astonished at how much is in this demo, though a lot of it definitely feels like it's throwing darts at a board to see what sticks, which is fine!
The strength of this game will come with tailored level design and tightening up the responsiveness and feedback of the weapons.
Keep at it, there's a lot of great ideas here that just need more love.
I wish there was a way to see the controls once you're out of the tutorial
I went through the floor somewhere in the serenity level, you'll see on the video
The shaders are nice, I love the nuke and the railgun
Some levels have no end for now right? like the moon one, I destroyed the laser and kept fighting the enemies until my computer was ready to crash.
It was fun, too bad I had to kill the rogue mecha pilot. maybe I could've fixed her...
Oh, and adding a mouse sens slider would be cool too, it's a bit too sensitive for my taste
I'm loving it so far! It's cute that you're recreating doom and quake levels, it didn't go unnoticed. And the hand drawn characters look charming as hell.
As far as feedback:
- The laser cannon very obviously doesn't go to the center of the screen. This is very easy to fix actually. Instead of shooting the laser in the direction of the cannon, spawn the laser with the same origin but with a direction towards the world position that the crosshair is hitting. Does it mean the laser might shoot slightly diagonally sometimes? yes. Will it be noticeable? 99% of the time no. And that's the way most big money games do it.
- Dodging and boosting on the same button makes sense. But only boosting when moving forward and only dodging in other directions feels awkward. Sometimes I want to boost sideways but for that i have to boost forward then change directions.
- Oh, the spark effect when landing makes it feel like you're taking damage, thankfully that's not the case but it's a bit confusing the first few times it happens.
boosting sideways was originally a bug.
in hawken, you can only boost forward and dodge sideways. being able to boost sideways is a quirk of how my code is written.
but the thing is.. i kind of like it! it essentially adds an extra movement option, kind of like strafing sideways pretty fast, which comes in handy sometimes. i have been reluctant to "fix" this behaviour for a long time, and i am seriously considering leaving it in as a feature of its own.
i WILL buff the side dodge to make it more worthwhile though, that's for certain
GODot chads represent!!
Already lovin' the idea and the aesthetics you're building, good job! Things already feel good and fun to play, so please keep at it!
Here are my thoughts:
im not too found of the color banding stylization, it makes things look garish and harder to discern
development/direction seems kind of aimless, and a lot of things are begging for polish
theres a lot of stuff that feels "thrown in" -- i think just focusing on 2 or 3 test levels to really nail down the core of the game would help a lot
Pretty cool, quite the glow-up from last time I played it! Lot's of progress, but I vaguely remember that I had the same issue last time: Load stutters. You gotta fix that man, you can't have the game hitch every time something explodes.
Insane progress since the last time I played.
>I dig the vector vision. Maybe it could be black green and cybery? Maybe not.
>It's funny this game has more vertical movement freedom than shrimp game lol. Feels good exploring the maps
>I like the hot girls. I was pretty horny today!
>Some of the sfx are pretty rough, but I assume a lot of them are just wip placeholders.
>I'd like more enemies to shoot like others have mentioned
Seems like you're getting close to some kind of vertical slice? Keep improving and polishing things! Keep it up!!
Solid content with a variety of missions, i couldnt figure out how to destroy the laser on the moon. and the gattling gun seemed to be bugged somehow it wasnt showing up but i could still use it. Enemies seem a lil too easy i could just shift past most of them.
Hi, I didn't understand what button 1 and 2 were for if instead of changing the weapon they lowered it
you need to have multiple weapons to be able to switch between them
how many weapons you have varies by level
Played all levels. Only played the arena and the bridge level in previous demos.
The large level feels really nice but some of the enemies are in weird places and can't seem to properly shoot at you. Also agree with the other commenters. I want to shoot at more things if you're going for a Hawken-like. I also wish the levels were a bit longer. I want to play more.
The boosters are also a cool concept especially for the large levels but using them was very janky. I was only able to strafe a little bit while boosting and I would like for a little bit of control and especially some camera controls during boosts. Godont physics also made me glitch through a floor on the large level. Speaking of movement I think the movement in Hawken was also more fluid. I feel like switches between walking and shift-sprinting is slow sometimes.
The weapon variety is cool and certain weapons make sense for each enemy type and level, although the enemies all feel very much the same. Haven't figured out what the F-viewmode does. The destructive art pieces were a nice touch.
Looking forward to progress on the next DD :)
Solid demo. Thicc. Juicy. Not enough spaghetti, but it's got the sauce.
Too easy at the moment. Would have loved more fodder enemies, like the little spiders, to give me more stuff to manage while taking down the BigMeccs.
Sense of scale is incredibly off. I felt like a li'l rat in some of the maps due to the size of them, and took a long time to lumber from A to B.
Dash feels useless since sprinting sideways is infinitely faster. I wish gun changing was snappier or at least more informed (Although I missed the tab keybind)
damn i really need to buff the side dodge.
thanks for playing!
Good progress about your player character and effect but I also can feel there's no real direction for the game, I don't understand where you want me to give feedback as 90% of the demo seems to be in a embronic state.
Doom and Quake level are boring because your control are not designed on level, I'm not talking about the enemies that probably are in WIP as that they do they only runs towards you on a straight line, I want to point out that those levels are too big with a movement that is all about pressing shift + movement to get done.
RNG and Arcade plays awkwardly cause the control scheme is just weird, there's no reason to walk in this game at the moment so I keep doing the 180 with Dash + S by mistake because my instincts tells me to run backward but i get "punished" for it, and I don´t understand the usage as with M&K are more the enough to turn.
All enemies just follow you on a straight line making them feel samey.
Mech enemies are weakest as they can only be "stunned" smaller enemies should have far less health.
Nuke effect is cool but could be too good, it stands out as the most detailed VFX of the game, forcing you to think about making everything good as the Nuke quality effect or you might have to scale it down.
The wireframe view mode is the most confusing feature as it looks like a debugging tool to check optimization, some models have far more polygons and faces than others so that would also force you to polish everything accordingly but I would suggest you to rework it or scrap it, or keep it as a nodev with far more time than me will points out all the inconsistencies with the models
Also the crosshair is still not centered where your gun shoots, the nailgun in particular doesn't shoot straight
i might have to double check the quick turn, maybe i'm doing something wrong compared to hawken since everybody seems to trigger it by mistake
damn i really need to fix that crosshair lol
the wireframe IS the debugging tool built in in godot, did you rike it
i will add more enemies to the earlier levels eventually.....
>force you to polish everything accordingly
sounds like a good plan to me
It's good, but I feel like I want to be challenged a bit more by the enemies in ways that aren't just swarms. The moon laser level was the only one I died in, but that was more because I was trying to just focus on the big laser instead of dealing with anything else at all.
Generally feels pretty good, sounds could use some work though. The sprint behaviour is either a run (expected), run that stops immediately (not expected), and turning around 180 degrees (very unexpected and also disorienting). There aren't really any scenarios in the game that necessitate the quick turning at the moment because everything moves quite slowly, so maybe bring that onto a separate key? Also, landing doesn't feel like landing, it looks like I exploded but sounds like nothing happened.
I get that boosters lock you into the direction, but I'd appreciate being able to turn it off. As it stands, there's no real option to use it for anything other than travelling that exact distance, even if you just want to go up by a little bit.
It took me until the Moon level to realise that the 2 semicircles on the HUD were weapon statuses.
Actually liked the briefings and dialogue a lot more than I expected to. It's short and sweet.
the overboost is just for crossing large distances quicker. i was thinking of making it last less and recharge quicker to be less annoying, but it's not designed to be a true six degrees of freedom kind of game.
the control scheme (side dodge, quick turn etc) are all based on hawken, and i'm not willing to compromise on them.
i have purposefully kept the difficulty low to make testing easier, but i do plan to ramp it up eventually.
yeah i really need to create a new particle effect for landing, i just recycled an explosion effect for now.
The agdg-head enemy has the potential to be pretty fun, make it to listen to player input and camera direction for good dodging
After pressing the booster I cannot turn it off neither change the direction even a little, is it working as planned?
When changing the gravity flamethrower does not spawn particles
For me the walk sound feels VERY annoying, more like a shuffling geezer than someone huge and metallic so I prefered to fly around to just stop hearing this
yes the particles not working with inverted gravity is absolutely baffling to me as well.
hopefully i find a better walking mech sfx eventually....
That some progress mate, about the art for loading screen, they are too fast, I though I have weird vision.
Also truc on on that weird scenario.
it's kind of counter intuitive to make the loading screens longer on purpose, but now that i think about it, i heard that AAA studios do it on purpose to make the games feel more "professional".
It more like having a complex art for milisec loading. I though you were flashing porn or something because I didn't have time even see anything but a pair of legs.
Scatterbrained feedback:
Sometimes when I try to sprint it ends after a split second, I assume it's some kind of dodge function since it only happens when pressing left or right, but sprinting seem to be just as fast as dodging so I don't see why bother with that when it's so common to accidentally dodge when you try to.
Whenever you fire a nuke there's a particle that spawns in previously nuked locations, also the particles stop if you're not looking at them.
When finishing snowstorm (I think?) there's a message that tells you the demo is over.
During Moon I killed the gun but the level didn't end, idk if there's a timer or something:
After finishing Etna the game went black for a second but the level didn't end, same for Atlantis.
This happened 3 times during the conduit bossfight but the level did end and I got my award.
Floor 1 of the conduit did not stop spawning enemies and I had to run to the exit at 5 fps:
The shotgun could use a faster RoF considering how weak it is.
Sometimes the nails from the nailgun collide with an enemy and stop in midair instead of dealing damage, they seem to eventually get unstuck and properly damage the enemy after a while.
yes many levels are blatantly incomplete.
i initially planned to hide the levels after snowstorm, but i decided to allow people to play them even though they don't have a proper win condition set up yet
the side dodge is a big part of hawken. if it kinda feels useless then i might have to buff it to make it more worthwhile
the screen goes black when one of the bosses hits you with an E.M.P. projectile, it goes away shortly after.
yeah the enemies spawning endlessly is an old bug that i think i fixed in the arcade map but not yet in the generated floors, i'll have to double check.
thanks for playing!
I finally got a new GPU, so I can actually play this with over 10 FPS. I played the Linux build.
This game was really fun! At first I thought the dithering filter made it hard to see, but I eventually got used to it so it's not that big of a deal. I think it adds to the atmosphere. By the way, I really liked this game's atmosphere. It is a problem, though, that it makes some dark sections darker than probably intended (I got confused about where I was multiple times during the first few stages because of that, and back-tracked once). Making the flashlight a bit brighter would probably fix it. My favorite weapon was the nuke. I like that it deals an absurd amount of damage but you can basically insta-kill yourself with it if you're not careful. The nail-gun is kind of weird. I'm not sure what it does. Sometimes it doesn't even seem to deal any damage. The flame-gun, on the other, is weird but in a different way. It's really strong, but it doesn't look like it should go as far as it does. I can be standing ten feet away from an enemy and still deal damage.
The stage with the boosters was really fun. I like Ace Combat and the flying around in a big stage looking for turrets to destroy reminded me of AC2. I found it funny that the enemy mecha AI in the duels starts running away from you if you're beating it up too badly.
As for the bugs/weird behavior: the screen resolution setting doesn't seem to work. I set it to my resolution and restarted the game, but it didn't do anything. In fact, the settings in general are awkward. For example, the mouse sensitivity option doesn't seem to kick in until you've started another stage, which is far from convenient. There was noticeable freeze before I fired some weapons, but that may just be my toaster acting up. This is more of a design choice, but I don't like that the hover stops at a set height. It feels weird. I feel it should either gradually lose velocity, or just be a simple hover, that is, not make you go up at all.
(I graciously accept my "wasted the whole day" award.)
thanks for playing!
the stutter on loading a resource the first time is a common godot issue. i wish i was good enough as a programmer to fix it..
the "post processing" filter can be disabled in the options.
yeah my settings are all fucked, sorry.
i will probably nerf the flamer next
thanks for playing!