So, it's a Mario64-like Essentially?
Seems like general Movement Systems are there and work, but need improvement. Swimming didn't feel Fun, When entering a Looping, you should steer into it when running Straight forward, You lack the Triple Jump Option from Mario, or anything similar, but have a Doublejump which seems to not gain any real additional Height, you slide when stopping swimming on the Ground, The Bouncy Wall Things are unintuitive at Best currently I think, with having to press Down to go up, you have basically no Feedback on Attacking anything, getting Hit or otherwise. Sprint seems useless, considering it's all about moving anyway, same with Crouching. Maybe just have a ramp up in Speed the longer you move, so you can tap it slowly or move the Controller only a bit to walk slowly, since this seems to be designed around Controller anyway.
Personally I don't like the Artstyle, but that's a mix of Placeholder Assets and just personal Taste obviously.
Not much else to give Feedback on, this is a movement Game, so Movement is basically the one Thing you need to get absolutely right and have it feel Good. And there's barely anything else in the current State anyway, and especially nothing that didn't seem to work as intended, it's all just very early and barebones.