Hello! Just some feedback, the concept is nice but I really like that there is hiden coin (even if the room that there in should be hiden before first going into it. I am though against the dash mecanic it looks unfinished (no visual feedback like in Celeste) and it meens that the player needs to think about to many things, in a keyboard the game is really unconfortable (so I ended up not using the dash except when absolutly needed). I think the game could be good not just a fan of it right now.
Also what assets did you made (because I know the tileset and sfx are Brackey's (you should specify it in the game's description in my opinion) and I suspect the cover art to be AI. All good (for me) if you just other's assets just to know because some are really well made and I don't want to compliment the wrong person x)
Keep developing, in other jams or in this game if you want <3 (the feedback is for the game to be better not to put it down, it is a good game)