Pure, unfiltered, concentrated sovl in a small package. Absolutely AMAZING tutorial, controls are very fun, so are some of the weapon descriptions. Not all characters are created equal - hacker is kinda boring while arsonist and chainsaw guy are great in both gameplay and descriptions. Music is balls to the wall, which is also great.
I really dig projectile ricochet, but it seemed to me like it bounced too many times. It did lead to some fun consequences like bullet going all the way back to my team, and it's great, but... I dunno, I both like it and at the same time think that it's kinda too over the top.
It felt like some vfx didn't exist or load for me - I had no explosions and no fire sprites. May be a bug.
Needs more content, and I wish those funky drawn characters from the capsule and previews were in game (as those drawing, not as pixelated amogus looking guys). Also - I see what you did there with the decapitated body sprite.
Good stuff.
Maybe consider adding destructible environment, worms style?