-I don't think anyone tried the online, and that's okay. It has a "Tag" mode, but other than that, it's the same as the single player, but there are other people in the world, assuming other people connected.
-Yeah, I need to alter the loops a LOT, but I don't know I'll have a ton of loops in the final version. We'll see.
-It's the Godot Jitter. You're saying Jolt Physics can fix this? I'll look into it.
-The camera is absolute ass. I'm going to completely gut it and replace it.
-As for the "Always let the player have control" my plan is to have two modes like Mario 64 that you can swap between. One being complete free cam, and the other being "drift toward points of interest". Both are good for different players.
-The jump poles... You might be right. I might need to limit them to 8 directions. Or, perhaps I'll set it up to have an aiming retical thing like the swinging pole? I don't know. I'll look into it.
-Emerald Coast is just glitchy as heck, generally. I cannot seem to fix the water in it, and I cannot figure out what is causing it. I don't know how much effort I want to put into it, because, I mean, Emerald Coast won't be in the final, you know?
-That makes me really happy, that someone had a good enough time to get 13 of the goals. Thanks for playing!
Also, I would love to teach you how to do a bunch of the things I did, as long as you teach me how you made your level. Is there any way I can get a hold of you?