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A member registered Sep 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hey, thank you for playing! I have left you a comment on your youtube video, but I'll leave the same one here, just in case:

I see that you came up with a couple of bugs. The proper animation for wall jump was not playing a lot of times, and also you got stuck when trying to get out of the water at a point. Are you playing on mouse an keyeboard? Also, did you tried the Linux or the Windows build? Thank you!

Hello Brim! Thank you for playing the game on stream. It was very helpful and insightful.

I totaly agree with you. The feeling you have, of the level being random-ish, is because, it was haha. I'll be focusing on creating good level desing, and a consisten visual identity for the game moving forward.

The Air Dash, I'll experiment tweaking it a bit. I need also to teach the player what the move set is capable of, and how I expect the to use it. Maybe that will help out as well.

Thank you again! Hopefully you play it again on DEMO DAY 61!

Hey Shiroi! Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you liked it so far!

I'll definitely focus on adding more sounds and possibly music for the next demo!

One thing I’ve learned from the feedback and watching people play is that I need to create better level design and properly teach the mechanics to the player. So, I’ll be focusing on that as well! The last bone was indeed unobtainable! It was out of bounds due to a mistake, but that’s been fixed now.

Hi Briar! Thank you for your feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the base of the game so far!

You’re absolutely right about the lack of a unique gimmick. I’m currently brainstorming ways to make the game stand out more. I'll definitely keep this in mind as I continue developing.

As for the air dodge, I see where you're coming from, and I think speeding it up or allowing more momentum to carry over could be a good way to improve the flow of movement. I’ll experiment with this and see how it feels.

Regarding the wall climb, my intention is that the wall climb is most effective when starting from a walk. The running jump is intended to have a bit less height, but cover a longer distance. I wanted to encourage players to use it to close bigger gaps. However, you're right. The levels need to complement the mechanics, so that they feel natural to use.  I'll focus on improving the level design and properly teaching the mechanics to the player.

Thanks again for your feedback! I’ll keep these suggestions in mind as I continue refining the game!

Game is very fun! I liked the LORE behind it haha. The presentation is very nice and polished. The only thing that I personally don't like that much, is that the character movement is quite slippery, like ice skating, but that is my personal preference. 

Overall, great arcade fun!

You're welcome! I'll try the demo again, now that you have uploaded a new version. I'll sure to finish it this time

I do have a bsky, but I got kinda overwhelmed by the whole thing, so it is not being updated regularly. In the future I think I'll create a Discord Channel.

Visually, I loved this prototype. It is fantastic. Aggy-chan is exceedingly cute. Presentation feels very polished already. The menus work with a controller, which impressed me because there are many games with controller support, EXCEPT on the menus.

Gameplay wise, I felt Aggy-chan is a bit stiff when running. Wish I could turn her more. I didn't liked the wall jump, where you need to press jump in rapid succession. I think it is better to give me the "full" jump height when I press it, and let me define the wall jump tempo.

On the vending machine, I think you should make it so that "Circle" or "B" button closes the shop. It is kinda standard in my opinion.

Also, I found a bug on the animation when picking up the tickets. If I hold a direction, it conflicts with the animation of picking the ticket.

Looking forward to see what this game will turn into. Keep up the good work!!

Interesting tech demo. I couldn't make my PS4 controller to work on the game. It works fine on other games, so I don't know why...

Didn't tested it much, but my feedback would be to remove camera acceleration. It is quite wierd.

The setting is fantastic! I really like the idea here, and the ambiance you managed to create with just greybox assets is great! Really felt like wanting to play more.

On the gameplay side, I peronally felt that the walk speed was too slow. It is great for areas where we need precision, though, but those seems to be not the majority of the game. So what you could do here is sawp running with walking. Make running the default speed, and hold SHIFT for walking, for when we need that extra precision.

The jump felt quite floaty, which is fine, since the game setting is underwater, but then, please give me more air control. I feel Isabela should be able to "swim" a bit with each jump, and reposition herself.

The first harpoon section, I couldnt read the tutorial fast enough to understand that LMB shrinks the thether. So please make the instruction linger a bit more, or have a menu where I can check the info again.

Speaking of cutscenes, we can control the character during them, and that can cause wierd interactions. You should take away player control while a cutscene is playing I think, for safety.

I played up to checkpoint 21, but there is a wrong placement of the checkpoint, which respawns me on a freefall to my death. So you should probably get that fixed.

Lastly, please add controller support. This seems like the right type of game for it.

Keep up the good work!!

Hey, thank you! I'm glad that you liked it so far. I'll try to refine and expand a bit what I have so far. Thank you for the suggestion on the bones hitboxes. There is really no reason for them to be small. I'll make them bigger, so that pick up is more satisfactory.

It is some kind of spiral portal :D

Hey Glyph, thank you! I'm glad you liked it! For sure, I'll work on implementing enemies for the next demo, as well as more plataforming challenges.

Hello Osh! I'm glad that you are liking it so far! 

You are right, the CHOMP sound get old pretty fast. I'll work on improving the sounds for the next demo.

Also, great suggestion for the wall grab. I'll try to make her stop on contact, and start to slowly gain gravity again.

Thank you very much for the feedbacks!

Hello Wierdox! Thank you for the feedbacks! I agree with you on these points that you made. I will work on smoothing out the mechanics, so that they feel better when playing. 

The bone shadows should be an easy fix. I'll delete them together with the mesh.

As for the R1 resseting the camera, you are correct, my intention is that is goes all the way, so I'll have to look into the code and find a way to fix it.

Thank you again!

(1 edit)

I have downloaded the game and played the 3 missions avaliable. At first it was quite hard to understand how to play the game. It is quite different from what one expects from a RTS, without ressources to collect, and buildings avaliable to be built. But after a while I got the hang of it, and I think it is pretty fun and interesting. Having to balance summoning units vs summoning buildings, and having your king in the desired summoning base, to have double units. 

Things to improve I think would be a better UI, that shows the stats of my units, and what is going on, as I felt quite lost.

You will also need to invest in a good tutorial, as your ideas seem quite novel.

Overall, very interesting!! Keep it up!

Hello! I really like the concept of the game, and the art of the characters. I enjoyed the "banter" of the character dialogue on the tutorials too.

On my first try, I was following the tutorial, but then my first mission failed, and I got stuck, as other comments have also mentioned here. There are a couple of mistypes on the dialogue, so you might want to run those over some program to fix them out. Even Word spell correction would do. 

Found a visual bug on the tutorial where the character portraits appears over the button:

After I got my second mission, I tought I had soft locked myself again. But ended up figuring I had to create a new prove? It got me really confused. I think the game wants me to build multiple proves, with new technology as it gest researched? That should be better informed to the player somehow. And perhaps we should have a visual indicator that we already have some proves on space?

At this point, I got new missions, but just simply could not get to do them. I tried creating new proves, but there was just no way to progress, and no further researched to do, so I just gave up.

I think you have an interesting game here, but needs a lot of work on testing, to make sure players can properly learn how to play, as this concept seems quite novel. 

I'll look forward to see how it develops!

Hey Filmstars, thank you for the feedback! I'm glad that it worked on Linux. It was requested on the last demo day I participated, so I tried to export a version for it, but without a way of testing it out (I only have windows).

I see, duble Shift for running and Air dash is kinda awkward. I'll rework the key bindings so that they make more sense. I'll look into allowing key rebinds too, but it might be a bit out of my expertice level. We will see.

I aggree with your comments on level design. I think I'll try to add enemies onto the levels, and have them more exploration focused, kinda like Spyro the dragon.


Hello XpBarq. Thank you for the feedback!! I didn't knew about AudioStreamRandomizer. I'll for sure use it. Thank you for letting me know! I'm using godot 4.3 btw. Hopefully it is supported. But otherwise I'll try to find a solution for the sounds. 

I totally get what you say about the "nothing overwhelmingly standout". I'll be working to define the visual identity of the game, and adding all that you pointed out. Patricle effects, sounds, animation for when pushing against walls. I agree 100%.

Wow, thank you very much BlueDandDev! For sure, sound design is something that is 100% missing as of now. I'll also need to reach out to musicians to comission musics for the levels. But I'm glad that you liked it. Thank you for the fanart!! <3

Thank you for your feedback ithiro!

I watched your recorded gameplay, and it gave me a lot of insight.

I'll be working on all the things you have pointed out. Of all of those, I have just uploaded a new version with the bone counter, which I had not showing. Thank you for pointing it out.

Thank you for these textures. They are literally what I needed <3

(2 edits)

What a great little game. Finished it in just about 30 minutes. The atmosphere and art direction were great. The world felt misterious, and hinted at an interesting lore. I felt Shadow of the Colossus, and Bloodborne influences on this one. Very nice indeed!!

Nice one!!

Visuals are extremely charming. Ticky is very cute. The gameplay is simple, I had fun with it. The only thing I would improve, is to make the jump/running jump go slightly further, so that the plataforming can be more consistent. Specifficaly in the flower plataforms on the first level, and on the oranges plataforms on the second level.

Hahaha. Maybe put a clue related to the klin in the key description :D

You are welcome!! Looking forward to the next updates!

Ah! Another minor thing: Make the colision of the stairs a ramp, instead of an actual stair, so that the character doesn't get stuck on the steps ;)

Hello! I played the entire prototype, even getting the shovel and the mushroom hat. Overall great prototype. It has a lot of promisse. The art style is very charming, and I enjoyed the level desing structure, of an open area, but with "sub" areas with challenges.

My major two concerns righ now are:

  • The camera freaks out in tight spaces, and it gets easely obstructed by trees and the grass. To this second problem, perhaps you can figure out a shader solution, that renders the character outline over everything, when the camera is obstructed.
  • The move set of the character is way too powerfull. I could easely get out of bound by just wall jump/dash into the wall/wall jump/ dash into the wall... and also avoid most of the challenges, if I so desired. Perhaps you should limit the amount of times the character can wall jump, to avoid this infinite climbing.

Overall, looks very promissing! Looking forward for more!

Oh that sucks! I think you should look into setting up a Github repository. It has saved me 3 times already, where I have corrupted my entire project, but then I just roll back to a previous commit. Anyway, hope you can get everything sorted out soon!

Thankyou!! I promisse I'll see it through!

The graphics are honestly great. You really nailed the PS1 era style with the meshes, and the textures. Character design is great too. Sounds are satisfying.

The pause menu was a surprise haha.

It controls very well when you figure out the control scheme. Perhaps you should add a little tutorial, or a sign telling the player the controls. 

I couldn't make it work on my controller though. Does it only suports keyboard + mouse?

Also, I don't know if I'm missing something, but after collecting the first figure, I couldn't figure out how to view it (like in the second picture).

Game is HARD! I coudn't progress much after the first figure. But I did felt like I was getting better, having a better feel of Nolgorb's jump distance.

Yes it is

Ohhhh!! I'll try it out for sure. Thanks for letting me know! I'll inform if I found any other bug or issues

Hey Adman!

I'm glad that you like the movement so far!

Yes, people have pointed out that the plataforms not being linear, is throwing them off. I'll revisit that for sure.

I'll be adding the spot shadow as the very next thing, that will be a great improvement. Thank you!

I'll consider the double jump, and the clothes... hahaha.

Thank you for the feedbacks!

That is a very good point FroggyGreen! I didn't thought about that. I'll be exporting for Linux as well moving forward. Thank you for pointing that out!

For sure! Adding a drop shadow under Mel will be the very next thing I'm going to do. The plataforms indeed are not linear, and that is throwing a lot of people off. I'll make them linear. Thank you for pointing that out, and for the other feedback as well!

Hi again! 

So yes, SEUM is VERY different. It is a game where you go on a (some what) linear path, doing plataforming challenges. 

Your game , although it has the dungeon gameplay part with the plataforming in first person, it has a lot of focus on the management part, as you said. So advertise that part more! :)

I played it more today, and the mechanics started to click. I got the hand of how the game works outside of the dungeon. Then I started a new game, to see the tutorial information again, and after the fact, I think the information on the tutorial is correct.

So I think is really a problem of too much information, and if you are not expecting it (like I did), you end up not taking it in. 

I didn't understand at first that, the face on the mirror actually apears on the guests inside the dungeon, and you need to find the right one (memory part, as you said). Then you need to buy new traits, to unlock new guests. I didn't understood that, in order to visit the locations, you need to expend action points on the Action Screen. To me I was missing some menu option or something. But after I understood it, the gameplay loop is solid.

Perhaps developing the UI more, will help with that. One thing that I notice is that the UI at the moment is almost completely text. When you add icons to the traits, and the Female guest, etc. it will make it easier to absorb. 

I'm thinking, do we need to buy the traits, and then, buy the female guest? For example, tiny body and green screen only unlock the Goblin, as far as I know. So couldn't we get the goblin automatically, after we buy the tiny body and the green screen? And that way you could add the text "buy traits to unlock new guests". make it an independent screen, etc.

Regardless, as I said, after you understand how the game works, it works. Comunicating all of at to the new players still needs some work, in my opinion. 

Hope my ramblings were not too confusing, and you are able to get something usefull out of them!

(1 edit)

Hello! It's hard for me to give feed back on this game, as I went in expecting something like SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell, but apparently, the game is very different! 

The gameplay and visuals (in the dungeon) are looking good so far. The character movement is fluid as expected, and I like the mechanic of grabing the boxes.

What really threw me of was the part outside of the dungeons. I felt ovewhelmed by the amount of menus and mechanics. 

And I get that, this is an integral part of the game that you want to do. So, I guess my feedback would be to, communicate well the type of game that you are making, to have the player expectations aligned, and keep working on the menus, and how to introduce all the mechanics, in order to not overwhelm the player.

Maybe it's just me that got overwhelmed, so get more opinions from other people, to see if that is the case.

Other than that, I can see that you are puting a lot of passion and effort on this game, so keep the good work!!

Byte Tapestry, I have uplodaded a new version, with funcional mouse camera controls. Please give it a second try :)