This is an awesome plugin. Thank you for making it.
I've been having a rather odd problem with mine. It was working fine and still mostly is. I changed the basic controls, added keys for inventory, skills, equips. I even added a few custom keys for common events.
Unfortunately as soon as I added Visustella plugins. New common event keys I set wouldn't function. The old ones would but new ones won't.
Ive tried moving this plugin to first and last but still new keys I set for common events. Don't function.
I tested the common event assigned to the key on a map event and it functions but not when I press the button.
The Visustella plugins I'm using are
Core Plugin
Battle Core
Events Move Core
Message Core
Skills States Core
Save Core
Options Core
Main Menu Core
Items Equips Core
Element Status Core
Grid free doodads
Enhanced TP
Quest system
Lighting Effects
Party System
Aggro Control
Battle Grid
Battle AI
Enemy Levels
State Tool tips
Victory aftermath
Visual State Effects
Weapon Animations
Ambience sounds
Credit page
Database Inherit
Extra Enemy Drops
Visual Fogs
Visual Parallaxes
Weapon Unleash
Not sure if it helps but in your plugin I have disable mouse controls as false and disable ui buttons as true.
Just thought I'd let you know and again. Thanks for making an awesome plugin :D