dude, two months is fast for an update even, that's 6 updates a year, would you put so much work into a game that you could release an update every two months even though you probably have a job too? be more greatful for a free game gahdam
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In general, frequency of updates doesn't always equal more content in a given time-frame.
But yeah, we can't even remotely compete with CK in terms of output, sorry.
OCN always meant this to be just a side-project, but underestimated how tricky it is to develop two very different games at the same time, so he's mostly out of the running due to his job and HHR, only doing some graphics and QA now.
The rest of us also has jobs and other main projects, so at the moment, this is only being worked on when someone in the team has a bit of time, which isn't as often as we'd like.
So the project isn't dead, but in a bit of a "limping along" state right now.
We'd need another dev skilled enough in both Renpy and Koikatsu and with enough time to get this properly back on track, but those usually either have their own project(s) or want a fair compensation, which we can't give rn, since the Venus side of things barely makes any money.