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A member registered Aug 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very soon (0.4.7 actually, with a few improvements).

Sorry to hear that.

Starting with version 0.5, the game will have an option to skip some early parts of the game, in case something like this happens again.

You're probably referring to the optional dreams and memory scenes from TM?

Those weren't really either, but before we get into any fruitless arguments about tag definitions:

We emphasized it like that for GoV to make clear there won't even be any "grey zone" content in this. No dreams, no fantasies, no memories, no lesbian content.

So it doesn't really matter whether you believe us or not, GoV isn't TM and we'll stand by this promise.

> One slight issue though, when doing the alternate style when choosing to go faster it defaults briefly to the regular action. Of course you can still finish properly in the alternate style however... I do hope it gets fixed.

Thanks for reporting, we'll look into it.

> Though I'm surprised you haven't made an option to pay for the latest versions which I think could help people support and see the new stuff coming down the pipeline.

We'd like to, but it's risky at best with the payment processors involved.
But we're looking into bringing the game back to patreon, at least.

Not sure yet, we want 0.5 to be a bigger update but that also means it'll take a bit longer.

She's one of the highest priorities for the next updates, don't worry ;-)

Are you on Android?
It probably has to do with the dev team name change, since the APK is named differently now...
if you can rename it, try replacing the "vgg" with "ocn" before running the APK, although we can't guarantee that will work.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

If you're on PC or Mac, it should still load the old savegames.

Hmm... which Android version?

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback!

> but one thing that did bug me was that, for the invites it does not yet have an animation for finishing in the style you are currently in.

Will be fixed in public 0.4.1, which will arrive this week.

In general, frequency of updates doesn't always equal more content in a given time-frame.

But yeah, we can't even remotely compete with CK in terms of output, sorry.

OCN always meant this to be just a side-project, but underestimated how tricky it is to develop two very different games at the same time, so he's mostly out of the running due to his job and HHR, only doing some graphics and QA now.

The rest of us also has jobs and other main projects, so at the moment, this is only being worked on when someone in the team has a bit of time, which isn't as often as we'd like.
So the project isn't dead, but in a bit of a "limping along" state right now.

We'd need another dev skilled enough in both Renpy and Koikatsu and with enough time to get this properly back on track, but those usually either have their own project(s) or want a fair compensation, which we can't give rn, since the Venus side of things barely makes any money.

Sorry for the long wait ^^'
There'll be a new public update this week.
Though no new Sarah content in that yet, sorry ^^'

That scene should still unlock when completing the MNN episode, but "only" as bonus material in extras for now.

We'll change the main menu background eventually, we're just not sure yet if we'll do something similar to what stand-alone MNN did or just unlock new bonus content in extras instead.

The individual episodes are pretty much linear within themselves, aka inside an episode there won't be many choices or branches.
But the episodes can be chosen from a list independently from each other and mostly don't have that much connection to each other.

Sorry for the confusion.

Possible, yeah.

We just can't make any promises about when and how much yet.

For Android, that's possible due to the package name change as a result of the dev team name change. Sorry for the inconvenience if that's the case.

For PC or Mac, it would be a bit surprising, since the folder names should be the same.
But if we're talking about the itch app, we can't rule it out, since the team's itch URL was renamed. But for PC/Mac, at least savegames should carry over.

We're sorry about that, OCN was too busy with other projects and there has been some team changes behind the scenes, too.

But there will be some news (and game updates) soon.


It's still early in development, so it'll get longer over time.

Sorry, no tummy growth.

The only exception is the 2nd of the 2 pregnancy scenes that get unlocked on the Carnal Crystal's "Fruity Futures" section when a maid gets pregnant.

Yes, but it may take a while. No idea when yet.

No, sorry. Maybe we'll add it one day, but there are reasons why we won't add that anytime soon.

Is the dungeon unlocked already?

We checked the code just in case, but the only conditions to see Emily's dialogue options (in the morning when she's cleaning your room) are relationship 2 and the dungeon as such already being unlocked.
Well, and at the beginning of chapter 2 (first week), Iris must not be in the room at the same time.

If the dungeon isn't unlocked yet, you need to have seen Kate's first dream, then talked to Kate in her room about the dream, then go to the basement next morning where Kate will give you a short introduction.

Thanks ! :)

It's not only in dreams, no, it's just later in the game.

There's also some gameplay logic attached to it, so the game doesn't just assume you impregnated all of them.

That being said, you won't see their belly grow over time or anything, getting a maid pregnant will simply add 2 "look into the future" type scenes (one sfw and one naughty) to the "Carnal Crystal", which will be introduced later in the game.

So it's a little more than just an epilogue, but not fundamentally so, otherwise it simply would've become too much work.

One more update, but that will probably be the last one (not counting possible bugfixes).

Only some bugfixes, no new content vs. 0.99.0.

OCN is part of OCNX Games, yes.

Thanks for the feedback (and the bug report, will be fixed in the next update)!
We'll see about the jokes/memes, but keep in mind that the game is basically still in the introductions stage, there will be both funnier and kinkier scenes later.

(1 edit)

Just a small bugfix (Lyn's gallery replay didn't work) and improved replay UI.

Probably could've waited until next content update, but... it bothers me to leave known bugs unfixed for so long ^^'

Yeah, GoV is different, so it's fine if it's less to your taste.

We have another project coming soon that will be a bit more like TM at least in some regards, so I hope you'll at least continue following us and check that one out too, once it launches.

No plans for a TM2 at this point, sorry.
Maybe in 2-3 years...

As for the bedroom, we'll put it on the list of possible future additions, but to be honest, right now we only plan to add maybe 3-6 more scenes to tie up some loose ends, and those are basically decided already (Leyla's and Jenna's seduction scenes, Jenna's pool scene, maybe 1 more dream and 1 or 2 more moist memories).

We already added way more stuff than originally planned, at some point we simply have to move on to the next project(s) for good.

Yeah, sorry, no plans for that.
Maybe in a spin-off or a different game that also features a maid or two, but for TM(1), that's it.

Yes! :)

The game has a "Skip to..." option in the main menu. Choosing to jump to one of the later entry points will also unlock any gallery scenes up to that point.

The unlocks are persistent, so once you've done that, you could continue playing from a different savegame (or even start a new game) and the scenes should still be unlocked.

No idea... honestly sounds like the itch app (assuming you're using that) being dumb about it, and misinterpreting the mediafire mirrors as "updates" somehow.

Might get 1 or 2 more updates at some point, but those would only fix some minor issues and fill a few remaining gaps (like seduction scenes for Leyla and Jenna), there won't be any more story updates.

There are scenes for that, but only on the Carnal Crystal's "Fruity Futures" section.

I see, hm...
In the current version, the only alternative would be to start a new game through the "Skip to..." from the main menu, where you can enter the story at a later point.

You could try that and start at the story point a little before where you currently are, although you may lose some stats and have to rewatch a few scenes.

We might add the ability to change your name anytime in a future update, but right now, I'm afraid the "Skip to..." is the only option if you want to replay as little as possible.

Yes, you can change your name in the beginning.

It unlocks a certain easter egg scene in the dreams section of the bed options (at night).

Not sure.
You're right that it would technically make sense for there to be yuri couples (not just lesbians, but also bi girls that went for a hot girl over competing for some meh guy).

Anyway, if we go there, it would be later in development and only optional content.

Do the hints on her info/stat page say anything about the dungeon?

The option to ask her should be in the morning when she cleans your room, and in the evening when she's in her room, although some of the related options may only show up in one or the other.