The mind map looks soo cool! Even though I can't read anything on it hehe. I am always interested to see how people plan their stories and make notes and all of that. I do think you can just update us on whatever you want every week! Or maybe you can also switch it up and write an update every two weeks while you are still in the early stages? Not that I don't want to read your updates every week! Not at all, I love seeing your updates weekly! But maybe it would be a nice break for you and give you a bit more time to put into the thought process? Just do whatever you are comfortable with!
I would always love to see more of Indonesian culture considering that I really don't know a lot of it and it makes your visual novels really unique and distinct! But if you want to venture out into newer things, I do have to say that my first thought for saving grace was some kind of Victorian maybe even steampunk-ish setting...? but maybe you could connect more western ideas with Indonesian ones? I am sure you'll figure out something great!