any other idea to enhancin the game other being quiet or no jw
No Jehovah's Witnesses? Yeah, you're right, the game is better without them. 🤣
Beside that, a major improvement would be to actually continue the game eventually. 😏
Ah! You meant about the musics! Well, not only the choice of musics really doesn't fit the game's atmosphere but randomizing them because TTrick is too lazy to actually choose the right music for the right mood doesn't help either. It feels as if they picked some random musics then played them just as randomly in the game, which feels, well, random. 😅
I guess they did this because they were requested to include musics into the game and did not actually take the time to find fitting musics and put them in the right mood so the current soundtrack is probably merely a placeholder in the mean time that they actually take care of making a good soundtrack and which is why I turned it off because it does worse than better. 😉
I actually spent a lot of hours choosing the right music for the game.
Of course, it consists of playlists and the songs within those playlists are random.
There are specific songs that are played during specific scenes.
It's not easy picking the right songs for a game that is years into development.
Trust me. The last thing you can call me is lazy.
Really? Well, as I said, I turned off the musics because they broke the mood instead of enhancing it, it might be because your playlists play randomly instead of sticking each specific music to each specific scene, I tell you it all really feels random.
Why is it harder to pick songs for a game which is years into development than for a new game? 🤔
I want to trust you, but it is going to be a year that you have not updated your game and you included musics which you played randomly instead of picking the right music for the right mood, be honest, what would you think from my point of view?
- If you knew how hard it to find commercial music ( even paid one that allow being used in adult games) you’d say otherwise
- I’ve already mentioned that there are playlists by themes and not only a one or two.
- It’s easier to find music for a new game because a new game has limited number of scenes and it’s easy to find 5 songs than 100 songs. Also you usually want more than one song because otherwise, if the scenes is large it will start looping one song which will get annoying pretty fast
- When I play games I always turn the music off. That’s why the mute button is there, you don’t have to like my taste.
You can say that my taste sucks or say that my game is crap, I don’t care but don’t attack me as a person and call me names.
You don’t have to trust me. Im not on trial here. If you think that I’m lazy that’s your issue not mine.
That’s the last thing I’m going to say about on that subject.
I say this because I am actually knowledgeable about game making, I am not someone who talks about things they are clueless about, you underestimate me and it is not as hard to find commercially usable musics as you make it sound, you can simply read other adult games' credits to know where they got their musics from and I can even share some sources which I found myself with you:
Incompetech (the most popular composer of royalty-free-for-any-use musics who is even open to custom requests)
AudionautiX (the second most popular composer of royalty-free-for-any-use musics) (one of the most popular free open libraries of resources for games including countless graphics, musics and sound effects)
Free Music Archive (one more library of free musics)
And about sound effects, I can also share more than OpenGameArts which I already did but I know some other libraries of free sound effects such as:
Freesound (the most popular library of free sound effects)
Sound Fishing (a french library of free-for-any-use sound effects)
See? This is not that hard to find some free-for-any-use resources and you don't lack choice already with the countless resources from each one of these few libraries.
You can state that you made playlists by themes as much as you want but it will not change the fact that I turned off your musics because they break the mood, what more do you need to conclude this doesn't work as well as you hoped?
I see, what you basically mean is that you have to include musics for many scenes at once instead of having included musics from the start as you developed your game, fair enough but this was your choice to ignore musics up until now.
You basically state that you dislike musics in games which makes it to be expected that you are not proficient at including musics into your own game.
You answered to a comment which I made 3 months ago about your game so you know well that I don't think your game is crap and, honestly, if I thought your game is worthless then I wouldn't waste any more of my time with it not even to criticize it if I was convinced it was hopeless.
You are the one who took my opinion to heart and defend yourself as if you are on trial then claim you are not, you put yourself on trial though, I didn't do it, then you claim this is my issue even though this is obviously yours from your disproportionate reaction.
Honestly, I appreciate that you answer to comments and communicate with your players, however don't lash out at me out of a point of view which I shared instead of explaining if there is a misunderstanding, you could have simply explain that as a player you use to turn off musics in games which is why you don't know how to proficiently choose musics for your own game, and actually, you could even choose to not include musics into your game since it is actually more enjoyable without the musics which you included which, as I repeatedly stated, break the mood instead of enhancing it so I muted them anyway, and I commented 3 months ago how much I enjoyed your game even before it included musics so if you actually don't know how to choose musics then you might as well not do it and focus on what you know how to do. 😉
And if you really want to satisfy players who need musics to enhance the mood then instead of wondering which musics would fit your game, just listen to musics until you hear some which actually inspire you and remind you of your game and then they are musics fitting your game. 😉