**Potential spoilers in review**
I finished Kyouji route the other day and omg when I tell you my face was hurting from grinning 🤭. Like when Yuki spent the night at his house?! I was giggled! My first full play through to the end was bad. I was confused at first because I thought I met all the prerequisites but my mistake was spending time with grandma instead of helping Mr. Akagi (I think that’s his name. I mean in my defense I couldn't do that to grandma I didn't know but it must be done.) I missed an event with kyouji thus not getting the happy ending. You will know if you get the happy ending when the bon festival comes around When you play as kyouji in his perspective after yuki was “ditched” by tora and kouya then you’re on the path to a happy ending. But if you don’t get kyouji perspective prepare for a bad ending. Of course for the story you can read the bad ending just to get a sense of his background. Well more for curiosity if anything. You’ll learn about him more either way but the good ending?! Wooooooooo let me tell you I was screaming. I mean when he said “say it.” I screamed “DADDY!!!!” And yuki goes “I love you” I’m like “Oh…” 🤭🤣🤣 I mean come on he already gives dad vibes ok?! Like man is fine then to see him bare had me on the floor!! The good ending had me crying too. He’s the best boyfriend. When yuki got on that bus and kyouji was in tears and then the credits rolled I was clapping in tears. Maybe in the future we'll get a winter break or a "few months later." ending like juuichi? Maybe he tells yuki him and tauro made up or he tells yuki what university he's going to? I dont know but this was well worth the wait. Kyouji is one of my favs and he did not disappoint. From one author to another that was very well written both the good and bad ending. Well done.