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A member registered Aug 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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I’m doing good. Still going as strongly as I can. 

I’m glad to hear! Romance is just one of many things that’ll be in this story. I highly encourage you to follow my Twitter because I update regularly on there on what I’m working on. I’ve been putting in artwork cutscenes, did an animation that’s for a future project, and updated many dialogue lines and font so far. I’m working as fast as I can but thoroughly as well 😁✌🏽

Don’t despair and please don’t lose any sleep over it too haha! But yes it’s still going. My biggest delay so far is finding time to consistently get any work done on the novel due to my new job and working with an artist who’s life has also been chaotic due to school starting and them moving into a new place. Rest assured though it’s still going to be updated. 

thank you! 

Yes. It’s still in development. I have since started a new job so any free time I usually would of had is almost gone. So now I work on the VN during my spare time.  I was hoping to get an update pushed out this month but so much has been happening the past month and a half it’s been really hard to get to my computer. But the VN is still being worked on when possible. 

Many thanks! That means a lot! 

Thank you! And I updated the coloring in 1.5 to match the theme more! 😁✌🏽

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! More to come soon!

Thank you I appreciate it!

I'm honestly really shocked! I didn't expect such results!

Many thanks!

The cliffhanger is real haha. Everything seems to be on track. No major delays nor issues so it should be updated by the end of next month. Of course if I get it done sooner I’ll update it sooner. ✌🏽

Oh of course! Nothing was going to stop me from developing this novel. I enjoy doing it too much but I know how misery loves company and I don’t want it to be surrounded by extensive amounts of negativity. I’m still working on build 1.5 as we speak 😁

Thanks! Right back at ya! 

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Thank you for the feedback. I am doing this VN all by myself and as I release upcoming updates I always go over the entire script of my novel, and even then there’s bound to be some grammar and spelling mistakes that slips through the cracks.  If there’s a mistake I may miss readers just report them to me. As for the comment section, I will think about have a comment section on the VN site if it becomes more of a popular request. 😁😉✌🏽 thanks again for you feedback and glad you enjoyed the story so far. 

Thank you! I’m glad you liked it so far! Keep on the look out for future updates. It’ll involve added dialogue and lots of polishing. 

Yeah I had too. Because this got a lot of popularity fairly quickly but with it came the negative people who personally messaged me about my novel and believing it had to be a certain way pertaining to how they see it. This is to let people know while I am all for criticism I’m not for trying to please a sole individual and them egging me to make a change for them. I wrote this so everyone can enjoy it and put my imagination out there. I don’t want my novel to be wrapped around that negativity and while I know some negative folks will slip through the cracks, the amount of negative message I’ve received after this post has dropped significantly so I believed I made my point. 

Also I think I received your review. Your name seems familiar. I took that review to heart in a good way. That’s the type of reviews people should be getting. Also if your the one I’m talking about I definitely recommend going and starting that novel of yours! It seems like a good story. Let your imagination fly! 

Thank you I appreciate it.

This is true. Even though I do coding to a certain extent to make my novel, Ren’py is the program that actually puts it all together. 

Probably because people think it takes away from real human artist. The fear they'll be replaced and wont make any money off it because some artist use art to make a living.  Unfortunately not everyone has the means to afford the artist. But I feel as long as artist use them as a reference, a tool per  say, I don't see the issue is with them. It's no different then an artist using a reference  to make something of their own. Art comes from somewhere one way or another. Sometimes artist has to use a reference to better visualize what they want and that's ok as long as they make their own.  No different then what AI is doing or what it could be used for. So I agree with you, I don't see the problem. A lot of people blow it out of proportion.  

Oh I know. That's where I found them originally was in the asset area. I didn't know they were ai until recently but since they explained they only used the images as a reference for making their own, it didn't bother me. 

Indeed and I made this post to nip that in the bud. There will be no hate here. I've been around a long time and have read plenty of VNs and FVNs to know everyone is different and have a way they show their own imaginations. The thing with AI is I personally don't use AI and the artist behind some of the backgrounds only used AI as a reference point before going to photoshop and building them in his own style. Plus I use a non-copyrighted site that gives images to use for free as well so not all my images are even from this artist but they do help a great deal. 

Other than that I thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the novel regardless! I appreciate it! 

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No. What was the issue is people assumed I, myself, generated these backgrounds and simply threw them into my novel. What I mention is the person who made these backgrounds did so by using generated images as a reference then edited them in their own style to produce them. No different then in how a regular artist does there own work. Plus I also got flak because people assumed I BOUGHT images when everything I use came free. I don't ever financially support pure AI software but I do believe it's a good asset as a tool to help with work. Not claim as you're own work.

Thank you! And who wouldn't want a big fluffy huggable wolf?! I'm with you on that haha! Again thank you and I hope you enjoy what's to come!

I thought so too when I was planning this story! Thank you so much for reading and I’m really glad you’re enjoying it so far. People like you and everyone else who have had nothing but awesome things to say give me more inspiration to continue my work! I was going to take a break after the first release due to how much I was working on it but I’m so happy that people are enjoying it, I already started working on build 1.5. I appreciate the feedback! 

Thank you and I agree! I welcome criticism for sure. But you’re absolutely right people tend to go about it the wrong way. The way the story line goes the way it does because it’s set up for more events that may happen in the future. I appreciate you for understanding and I’m so happy you’re enjoying what you’re reading so far! 

Thank you! Indeed the reason behind why there was a war that ended humanity will be explained down the road along with a lot of other mysteries like how the MC ended up on earth, how are they a native to Lycania etc.  Explanation about the war itself will happen through flashback stories the MC tells people or his dreams. There's lots of things where stuff happens but I try not to give away too much story so soon. I'm expecting this to be a pretty lengthy read. So far half of chapter 1 is the only thing completed. 

I agree with you completely on the art aspect of things. If I had the funds to pay for the art I would of but I am doing all of this by myself and I appreciate you for understanding that. I, myself, did not generate these scenes but a lot f folks are acting like I did. I'm using these backgrounds that just so happen to of been generated by AI for reference and edited by a different the artist. If the artist was trying to make money off them I can understand the frustration behind it. I wouldn't of paid if they were. 

Again I thank you for the support! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the story so far. Makes me even more inspired to give readers who enjoy my imagination more to look forward too.

Thank you! I appreciate it so much! Glad you’re enjoying it so far. 

The story starts the way it does because the MC has been on his own for years on end and has already been having these dreams for quite sometime. Actually a lot of stories I’ve read has started the same way giving folks questions as to what has happened that led up to that point. Also it’s mention multiple times that this will have some mistakes for as it’s the first build and my first novel. If you find some mistakes just point them out on what they were and where you found them in the bug report forum in the future. Other then that thank you. I appreciate it. 

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Hello Unagi. Listen... While I personally did not know these backgrounds were AI generated, they're an allowed asset that's been available to I cant say what these backgrounds originally looked like nor where they may of "came" from, but the person behind them does explained they paint over them. I do not know how heavily they dive into making changes to them but even learning after the fact, I don't care.  If I'm being honest even if they were AI generated, they claimed to of edited them to their liking in photoshop. The way some AI's work and generate anything is all built of references from multiple sources on the internet.  Some artist may be able to make art without any references and just bits of specific details from someone commissioning them more power to them. But I know and seen plenty of artist who use references to make their own piece of work. Many artist ask for them when I would commission them.  A lot of things are based of something. it's no skin off my bone, it doesn't hurt my feelings, and if you really feel you cant enjoy the story because of something that's been happening for years and honestly pretty trivial, I wont stop you. But unless stated otherwise, I don't see myself having to stop making my novel for everyone who enjoys  my novel due to that fact. They're backgrounds are used in various novels till this day. Unfortunately you seem to be the only one who doesn't agree with it which is fine to each their own, but I wont stop making content because of it. And not all of my backgrounds come from just them. I DO use backgrounds that also come from a free to use non-copyrighted website.  I'm not trying to be rude but In reality that artist didn't have to state it was part AI. They took their time to be honest about it but mentioned they added their own edits and style. 

Hello Boriar! So I just refunded one of your double payments and depending on your bank and PayPal, it'll take a while to process. But as for the other payment, like I mentioned before I did receive it. It'll be on hold for about 21 days then they'll release it so you should be good. Again if PayPal isn't a butt lol.

Hello Boriar! So I did indeed receive those donations. What happened is PayPal has the money on hold. According to them the money is on hold because either I have a new account (which I don't), got a refund request, haven't sold in a while, or sold crypto that was just purchased and still is processing. None of those issue applies to me except maybe if you put in a refund request. I will get with PayPal to see what the issue is and go from there. Despite PayPal being  a butt I am absolutely grateful for the donation no matter how small. Of course my novel is free to download so if this issue hasn't been resolved by next update, I would suggest downloading it for free. Once I do get the money issue resolved I can refund you one of the payments back that way you don't have a double payment.

Lykaois community · Created a new topic Bug Report
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This will be a thread to report any bugs and major spelling mishaps you may come across in Lykaois.  Report the bugs with the type of error message you come across. Spelling errors just report where in the story you found this error and I'll go in and fix it. If you have a screenshot of it as well, post it to better help me understand where you came across said error. That being said, do not come in here reporting EVERY little detail... (Hey you forgot a period, you forgot to cross your "t's" and dot your "i's", there should be a comma here, etc.)

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Just finished two of the three routes lets just say its a very suspenseful novel very emotional too! Leondros had me flustered, Koshiro (my favorite personally) had me squealing like a high school fan girl or something he's so sweet like i cant wait for more of him. The mysterious side of him is pretty damn hot if i may say so myself but what a journey so far. I love VNs like this that has a story and makes you feel like your on an adventure yourself with the MC's. To the author and artist wherever you are absolutely awesome work I really do we get to see more soon after your done dealing with real life issues.

OK soooooo I just finished the game from whats available and I am Hooked! I was so ready for beach day! If we want to talk about favorites so far in this order it goes Tora, Kouya, and Shun. Those are my top three. Tora because he's that typical character with the nice bod, over confident attitude but whos a downright sweetheart and (just finding this out) a big softy. I of course typically want to see something develop between him and hiro. That'll be my first path. As for kouya , I like his bad boy feel he has even though he has a tender side to him. He gets annoyed easily and doesn't like to talk about himself much probably because he hates judgmental people. Willing to come out of his shell for Hiro though.  Now for shun. I personally have a favorite when it comes to wolves they're my overall favorite animal. Shun's nerdy personality is adorable especially towards Hiro. Like can we talk about that cute little floof wagging back and forth every time he practically sees Hiro?!?! My heart  melts. Suprised on how tiny he is especially for a wolf but it fits that adorable personality so I'm not complaining! haha. I hope this continues because I'm all for it. seems like its gonna be a decent sized novel especially if its following 30 days exactly I'm ready for it. I was thinking maybe the sprites might get more facial and body expressions? like shun does? tail movement, facial expressions. I saw a good amount has them so I can tell your working on them just was curious if the rest will be up there like shun and tora. I'm ecstatic of this novel. I read a lot of FVN. BUT im picky and this caught my eye so that's saying something so awesome work so far! Hope to see more!

Ok sooooooo lol Near the end of his route after his talk with Sydney at that point the hysteria has him right because Sydney is dead. well because of that he goes crazy and somehow manages to catch himself on fire. Literally his skin burn off. It freaks Carl and that salamander guy (forget his name) out. This seems to also be the way he turns into the very monster that was attacking them in his and Leos route. or the monster takes over his body and hes just conscious about it idk because obviously he wasn't the one attacking them when he was there being attacked with them.  The part where he goes bling his eyeballs have melted out of his sockets at that point i believe and remember at some point during his route someone describes the monster face as an electrical socket? Flynn develops the same look at this point. Now right before the end remember he was in some weird place? a closet I think and a little girl opened it and spoke? now think back to Leos route where Jenna mentions to chase that she remembers seeing a monster like figure when she was younger but ignore it because she thought it was due to stress or something. that monster was/is Flynn. I think i explained it to the best of my memory you'll have to go back to get further detail but somehow Flynn becomes that creature and gets caught in a time loop that part if confusing itself but maybe its just because that general idea of echo is a loop. history repeats itself.

OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my god I need that scene lmao

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Honestly I am in love with the story and their relationship more then anything haha. I;m still dreading hershel telling sissel the truth considering last time it didnt go so well after. Everything went down hill from there. 

It literally was the best. Im actually hoping the rest of the routes are cute like that. Owen is a sweetheart