The worst hole I've fallen into in regards to writer's block was due to my own ambition, I always had problems with keeping a small scope and therefore I would start projects and never finish them because no clear finish line was ever defined or in sight. This led me to a point where after releasing my first game, it took me legitimately a decade to put something else out, because I finally kicked the idea of making some gigantic, life changing project, and just made fun little micro-games, as far as ideas, i usually get them from playing games, watching devlogs etc, seeing things other people do usually makes me wonder how I could implement things better, what other kind of games could benefit from such and such feature, or something else along those lines. Most recently, I played a lot of cookie clicker this year, and so with my love of idle games and clicker style games, I decided to make a little micro-game in that same style, and thats what my newest project was.