No problem, I only just got around to it now.
I ran into a few exceptions;
(Line 15 in your gui rpy file didn't seem to be compatible with my version of renpy and black text doesn't work well with android so I had to change the color and remove the text box. I also added a link to your Itchio profile in the about menu)
but I've mostly been able to work around them. All that's left is image compression and I'll finally be able to build and play the APK version.
Great stuff! I've been able to play up until you meet The Asian receptionist and it's been pretty good so far.
The android version worked well up until that point but most of the images after that seem to be missing. I'm also getting a "Sayer Co is not defined" Error during parts of the conversation with here.
Full traceback:
File "mc_in_east.rpyc", line 69, in script
File "renpy/", line 881, in execute
File "renpy/", line 774, in eval_who
Exception: Sayer 'co' is not defined.
I'll be checking the PC version to see if the error has been caused by the android port or something else once I'm able to charge my laptop.
Edit, I've finally gotten my laptop charged and it's seems the error was coming from the original build. Try test playing the PC version of it up to this point because this is where the main errors start.
Aside from these I was able to get the Android version working well.